К службе в Армии не годен Справочник для родителей и детей артикул 12901d.
К службе в Армии не годен Справочник для родителей и детей артикул 12901d.

Справочник `К службе в армии не годен` предназначен для каждой семьи, в которой подрастают будущие защитники России, для призывников и тех, кто уже проходит службу в рядах Вооруженных ознаэ Сил В нем представлен полный перечень болезней, учитываемых при освидетельствовании призывников и военнослужащих срочной службы Безусловным достоинством справочника является то, что в нем впервые дана подробная характеристика всех основных болезней и диагнозов (более 400), приводимых в Положении о военно-врачебной экспертизе В доступной и информационно емкой форме описаны происхождение болезней, их симптоматика, сопутствующие заболевания и осложнения, характер их протекания и прогноз, методы диагностики Справочник `К службе не годен` поможет родителям, призывникам и тем, кто уже служит в армии (им мы рекомендуем взять его с собой в войсковую часть), разобраться в хитросплетениях диагнозов и симптомов и реально отстоять свои права, если они будут нарушаться Это важно не только во время призыва, но и при возникновении проблем со здоровьем уже непосредственно во время прохождения службы в ВС В справочнике приведены некоторые нормативные документы, необходимые для освидетельствования призывников и военнослужащих, и даны рекомендации по их правильному оформлению Автор Александр Шпаков.  Pass   57.1   Bett   BettСерия: Малая семейная энциклопедия.

Династия Иисуса артикул 12903d.
Династия Иисуса артикул 12903d.

Переводчик: Ю Свердлова Смелая, необычная интерпретация происхождения и жизни Иисуса Христа Известный историк христианства, доктор наук Джеймс Тейбор, тщательно проанализировавший ознбг сотни раннехристианских документов и совместивший их с недавними археологическими открытиями, приходит к совершенно неожиданным выводам Основатель одной из крупнейших религий мира был в действительности радикальным политиком, восставшим против власти Рима? Четверо из двенадцати апостолов были его родными братьями? И, что самое главное, Христос никогда не проповедовал христианство?! С доводами, изложенными Джеймсом Тейбором, можно не соглашаться, однако к ним все-таки следует прислушаться Автор Джеймс Д Тейбор James D Tabor.  отде   Шуре   Your   SkagСерия: Историческая библиотека.

The Jesus Dynasty.
Причерноморье в средние века Выпуск 4 артикул 12905d.
Причерноморье в средние века Выпуск 4 артикул 12905d.

Очередной, четвертый выпуск сборника "Причерноморье в средние века" посвящен новым архивным и археологическим изысканиям истории этого важнейшего региона Евразии ознбж Вошедшие в сборник материалы - исследования, поддержанные грантами РФФИ (проект № 97-06-80144) и РГНФ (проект № 97-0100440) Сборник вводит в научный оборот большое количество новых материалов Кроме того, его материалы разрешают многие вопросы средневековой истории Причерноморья и предлагают качественно новые методики анализа средневекового финансового и юридического делопроизводства Содержание Сергей Карпов c 5-6 c 7-8 Опыт реконструкции средневековых архивов Причерноморья XIII-XV вв c 9-10 Сергей Карпов c 11-18 А Талызина c 19-35 Н Прокофьева c 36-174 Города Причерноморья XIII-XV вв в системе международных отношений Средневековья c 175-176 Рустам Шукуров c 177-208 Олег Барабанов c 209-218 Светлана Близнюк c 219-275 А Сазанов c 276-316 А Пономарев c 317-443 Андрей Виноградов c 444-446 Авторы (показать всех авторов) Сергей Карпов Доктор исторических наук, профессор, член-корреспондент РАН, академик РАЕН, член-корреспондент Лигурийской Академии наук и искусств (Генуя, Италия), Лауреат Государственной и Ломоносовской Премий Сфера научных интересов: история Византии 13-15 А Талызина Н Прокофьева.  Вятк   Unit   Семе   словСерия: Труды исторического факультета МГУ.

Strategic Management : Of Resources And Relationships артикул 12907d.
Strategic Management : Of Resources And Relationships артикул 12907d.

From internal resources such as people, knowledge, and capital to relationships with external stakeholders such as customers and suppliers - Strategic Management of Resources and Relationships provides students with one realistic, comprehensive, and highly effective approach to strategic management Students will learn how to use the resource-based ознбм view to develop competitive advantages through the acquisition, development and management of resources They'll also learn how to use stakeholder theory to determine when firms should form partnerships, the form they should take, and how to manage them to enhance their resource position The text's unique blend of the resource-based approach with stakeholder theory and other relevant theories andmodels, helps students gain a complete, balanced understanding of the field.  Mari   Stop   Yves   MexoISBN 0471232467.

Guide to Standards and Specifications for Designing Web Software (Artech House Computer Science Library) артикул 12909d.
Guide to Standards and Specifications for Designing Web Software (Artech House Computer Science Library) артикул 12909d.

This is a "must-have" book for every Internet software designer! This unique guide provides abstracts of nearly 300 standards and specifications, and listings on over 200 other Internet-related documents The book explains what each standard covers, its appropriate software design category, and where to obtain copies of the complete ознбу document The book deals with standards and specifications that cover topics such as: API's, authentication, binding, bridges, CIDR, databases, DHCP, e-mail, encryption, gateway, HIPPI, HTML, HTP, IMAP, IP, JPEG, keys, LAN, Mailbox, MIBs, MIME, MPEG, networks, nodes, POP, privacy, RIP, routers, security, servers, SGML, TCP, TCP/IP, URL, URN, video, web languages, X400, X500, XML, and many more The book lists specifications produced by organizations such as: AES, AIIM, ANSI, DoD, IEEE, IMS, ISO, ISOC, ITU-T, Microsoft, Netscape, NIST, SMPTE, Sun, VXI, and W3C It's an excellent reference for software personnel and managers, contract administrators, and attorneys needing to cite standards in contracts.  Mois   Terr   Robe   DreaISBN 0890068194.

Прямая речь Иисуса Христа Смысло-логический анализ артикул 12911d.
Прямая речь Иисуса Христа Смысло-логический анализ артикул 12911d.

Автор книги производит сравнительный разбор того, как подана евангелистами прямая речь Христа во всех четырех Евангелиях Высказывания Христа вычленяются из остального ознбщ текста четырех Евангелий и подробно анализируются на основании изобретенной самим автором теории, исторических и филологических данных, многие из которых весьма сомнительны Можно сказать, что автор предлагает своему читателю принять участие в "акте познания", что потребует, с одной стороны, большой смелости и самостоятельности, с другой - не меньшей осторожности и мудрости, так как выбранный объект изучения - Синодальный перевод Евангелия - сопровождает российскую жизнь на протяжении не одного столетия и продолжает оказывать на нее, по твердому убеждению автора, доминирующее влияние и по сей день Поэтому и выводы из настоящей работы могут иметь не менее серьезный и принципиальный характер, так как экспертная поддержка выделенного объекта изучения как авторитетного документа и его же пересмотр как документа спорного и уязвимого со смысловой точки зрения могут оказать заметное влияние на последующей ход истории Впрочем, уместность утверждений, сформулированных выше, и успешность предлагаемой работы оценит читатель, а окончательный приговор ей вынесет время Для автора, который выступает с позиций если не атеизма, то агностицизма, характерен весьма критический взгляд на целый ряд текстологических и смысловых проблем Евангелия, во многом уже разрешенных богословской наукой В этом отношении его оценки вряд ли можно назвать объективными Тем не менее, рецензенты настоящего издания отмечают, что в результате такой работы, произведенной автором, "получилась скорее теодицея, нежели теомахия" Для специалистов, занимающихся изучением отдельных аспектов истории изучения и перевода Священного Писания, философии, основного богословия (православной апологетики), сравнительного богословия (истории западных исповеданий) Для научных сотрудников духовных учебных заведений, аспирантов богословских вузов и факультетов Автор Александр Миронов.  Barb   Maxt   stop   CanoСерия: Смысловедение.

Managing Change Across Corporate Cultures (Culture for Business Series) артикул 12913d.
Managing Change Across Corporate Cultures (Culture for Business Series) артикул 12913d.

Book DescriptionManaging Change Across Corporate Cultures peels away the mysteries of corporate culture to reveal why it has such a powerful influence on every aspect of the performance of a business It shows how to shape high-performing corporate cultures in a complex international environment As the natural successor to Fons Trompenaars ознвв and Charles Hampden-Turners landmark bestseller, Riding the Waves of Culture, Managing Change Across Corporate Cultures shows exactly how to create an environment where astonishing business breakthroughs are possible You will also learn how to renew cultures as part of change and how to integrate cultures successfully following mergers, acquisitions and joint ventures New research shows that in cross-border business, differences in corporate culture have more far-reaching repercussions than even differences in national cultures Never before has there been such enormous interest in shaping and changing the cultures of our businesses, whether to revitalise them after restructuring or to provide the glue that holds them together through the sea changes of globalization.  Nadi   Rand   Жадь   12802005 г ISBN 1841125784.

Sams Teach Yourself Movable Type in 24 Hours артикул 12915d.
Sams Teach Yourself Movable Type in 24 Hours артикул 12915d.

Movable Type, a low-cost, distributed publishing software solution is helping thousands of Web site developers organize and automate the Web content management process In 24 well-paced chapters, the authors of Sams Teach Yourself Movable Type in 24 Hours show readers how to install, personalize, and configure Movable Type into an indispensable ознвй content management tool Features hands-on tutorials for finding Web hosting services, adjusting publishing preferences, customizing page templates, setting up multiple author accounts and extending the program with plug-ins and custom features, the authors show readers how to use everything from the most basic fundamentals of Movable Type to its most powerful features.  Iron   Lowl   Morn   RobeISBN 067232590X.

Календарь прививок - ошибка медицины XX века Основы вакцинологии артикул 12917d.
Календарь прививок - ошибка медицины XX века Основы вакцинологии артикул 12917d.

Эта книга является переработанным и дополненным изданием монографии "Прививки: мифы и реальность" Автор рассматривает вопросы грамотного и современного подхода к ознвр вакцинопрофилактике, аргументированно выступает за индивидуальный подход к вакцинации каждого ребенка, против единого календаря прививок для "всех подряд" В книге подробно рассматриваются возможные осложнения после прививок и способы их профилактики Автор знакомит читателя с основами вакцинологии и с действующим законодательством РФ в области вакцинопрофилактики Книга написана в научно-популярной форме, что делает ее понятной и полезной как для специалистов в области иммунологии и аллергологии, педиатров и других медработников, так и для молодых родителей, которые серьезно относятся к здоровью своих детей Автор Галина Червонская.  Enco   Мвкд   Соде   AmarИздательство: Волшебный ребенок, 2006 г Твердый переплет, 464 стр ISBN 5-903173-01-2 Тираж: 2000 экз Формат: 60x88/16 (~150x210 мм).

The Streetwise Investor : Extraordinary Investing for Ordinary People артикул 12919d.
The Streetwise Investor : Extraordinary Investing for Ordinary People артикул 12919d.

Book DescriptionThe Streetwise Investor is no ordinary personal finance guide It fills the reader with the confidence to make sensible, profitable investment decisions based on common sense It helps investors understand the problems they're facing and deal with them, and gives them the guidance they need to earn better returns without risking ознвт it all Download Description"The Streetwise Investor is no ordinary personal finance guide It fills the reader with the confidence to make sensible, profitable investment decisions based on common sense It helps investors understand the problems they're facing and deal with them, and gives them the guidance they need to earn better returns without risking it all ".  Geni   Wind   Alex   Барк2004 г ISBN 1841125229.

Corporate Denial : Confronting the World's Most Damaging Business Taboo артикул 12921d.
Corporate Denial : Confronting the World's Most Damaging Business Taboo артикул 12921d.

Book DescriptionWhat do you do when ordinary becomes OK? Corporate Denial confronts head on everything that anybody who has ever worked in a company goes home and moans about, and helps do something about it The vast majority of companies are in denial about the fact that they have become very ordinary places to be As a result they are unchallenging, ознвш uninspiring, ineffective and generally listless Corporate Denial helps companies of all sizes communicate and get to grips with the etiquette of inaction It says the things you have longed to say, talks about the things you see on a daily basis and gives you a hammer to smash some corporate cows with This is a manifesto for action for those who are just interested in the pursuit of goodbusiness Read it and lead your organization out of denial Corporate Denial comes with its very own antidote, Codenial, to relieve the pressures and pains of working Codenial (tm) provides: Fast relief from the etiquette of inaction Treats meaningless corporate values Alleviates lost purpose and low corporate libido Restores sanity and clears up confusion Provokes effective communication Download Description"What do you do when ordinary becomes OK? Corporate Denial confronts head on everything that anybody who has ever worked in a company goes home and moans about, and helps do something about it The vast majority of companies are in denial about the fact that they have become very ordinary places to be As a result they are unchallenging, uninspiring, ineffective and generally listless Corporate Denial helps companies of all sizes communicate and get to grips with the etiquette of inaction It says the things you have longed to say, talks about the things you see on a daily basis and gives you a hammer to smash some corporate cows with This is a manifesto for action for those who are just interested in the pursuit of good business Read it and lead your organization out ofdenial Corporate Denial comes with its very own antidote, Codenial, to relieve the pressures and pains of working Codenial (tm) provides: Fast relief from the etiquette of inaction Treats meaningless corporate values Alleviates lost purpose and low corporate libido Restores sanity and clears up confusion Provokes effective communication ".  Bald   Digi   Chec   разг2004 г ISBN 184112611X.

Жизнеописания достойных монахов страны, что к востоку от моря артикул 12923d.
Жизнеописания достойных монахов страны, что к востоку от моря артикул 12923d.

Переводчик: Ю Болтач "Жизнеописания достойных монахов Страны, что к востоку от моря" (Хэдон косын чон), составленные в начале XIII в монахом Какхуном, - древнейший сохранившийся ознгв до наших дней памятник корейской буддийской историографии Из этого сочинения можно почерпнуть уникальные сведения о путях проникновения буддизма в Корею, способах адаптации этого учения к местной системе верований, а также об идеологии, государственном строе и международных связях раннесредневековых корейских государств На русский язык этот памятник переводится впервые Перевод снабжен вводной статьей и подробными комментариями Книга может представлять интерес для буддологов, историков, литературоведов, а также всех интересующихся традиционной культурой Кореи Автор Какхун.  EHLP   Tatt   Svia   DaviБукинистическое издание Сохранность: Очень хорошая Издательство: Издательство Санкт-Петербургского университета, 2007 г Твердый переплет, 184 стр ISBN 978-5-288-04405-2 Тираж: 1000 экз Формат: 60x90/16 (~145х217 мм).

From Web to Workplace: Designing Open Hypermedia Systems (Digital Communication) артикул 12925d.
From Web to Workplace: Designing Open Hypermedia Systems (Digital Communication) артикул 12925d.

In this book Kaj Grnbk and Randall H Trigg present a set of principles for the design of open hypermedia systems and provide concrete implications of these principles for issues ranging from data structures to architectures and system integration, and for settings as diverse as the World Wide Web and the workplace The principles, which cover both ознгн hypermedia system processing and data structures, reflect results from decades of hypermedia research, including the popular Dexter hypertext reference model and the authors own extended object-oriented version of the Dexter model One important principle is the notion of links as first-class objects outside the data Emerging systems such as HyperWave, Microcosm, and Devise Hypermedia apply thisprinciple to extend the capabilities of the Web The authors also discuss the management of incomplete and dangling links, time-based media including video and sound, support for collaboration and shared hypermedia structures, worldwide distribution, andintegration of third-party applications in open hypermedia systems.  RHZN   Opti   DrBr   LomoISBN 0262071916.

The Tactical Ingenuity Pyramid Thinker's Manual (includes a Tactical Ingenuity Pyramid) артикул 12927d.
The Tactical Ingenuity Pyramid Thinker's Manual (includes a Tactical Ingenuity Pyramid) артикул 12927d.

ABSTRACT The Tactical Ingenuity Pyramid © (TIP) is a strategic THINKING TOOL developed to help managers and their communications advisors creatively anticipate, identify, analyze, interpret, control, and counteract the unplanned visibility caused by emergencies and vulnerabilities in their businesses The pyramidal shape itself has ознгх a purpose -- to graphically and in three dimensions illustrate the strategic options needed for managing problems The idea is based on an important assumption: that experienced communications practitioners and managers can use the Pyramid to draw out their intuitive skills When assembled, the Pyramid serves as a focusing object designed to trigger intuitive approaches stimulated by the random associations madein connection with the organization of the descriptive terms found on its various parts The Pyramids lower portion is divided into those four basic, two-dimensional elements every emergency situation seems to have These are: Expectations (of those involved and those afflicted as well as by-standers), Causes (in and out of the organization), Environment (in which the crisis or emergency is occurring), and Players (those individuals and organizations who participate or are affected by the emergency or situation) The upper part of the Pyramid represents four strategic approaches to managing emergencies and problem situations: Pre-empt (acting ahead of events), Control (managing the current situation), Contain (moving with events), and Counteract (acting after events have occurred) INTRODUCTION Every organization faces potential emergency and crisis situations Those in charge need competent and quick advice and useful options drawn from existing knowledge and past experience to quickly develop the proper ingredients for decision making Those ingredients factored into a useful framework for taking action create an ability to manage emergencies and bad news in ways that minimize their negative impact on public and internal audiences The framework for decision making is simple and straightforward: * An appropriate description of what is actually happening * A reasoned interpretation of the scope and impact the emergency is having, will have, and can have; the patterns of audience behavior from past similar circumstances; plus the probable trend of events * At least three options, including doing nothing, in terms of tactics and strategies from which management can select its course of action * Specific recommendations * Contingencies and negative unintended consequences that may cause additional vulnerabilities Where do solutions come from when everything seems to be coming apart? Adrenaline-generating, career-threatening, urgent situations create an atmosphere in which a special kind of critical management focus emerges along with organizational resolve to meet the emergency and overcome it The role of public communications is often critical in diminishing the length of time the organization is subjected to the effects of the emergency; in helping management focus on key goals and objectives during the critical early minutes and hours; in minimizing the aftereffects of the organizations handling of the problem in terms of perceptions among key audiences; and in the long-term management of the problem The inexperienced communicators thinking is often limited to disclosure, news releases, press kits and news conferences Technically these may be important, but there are always largerconsiderations, bigger issues, and consequences that surprise us The concept of tactical ingenuity and the Tactical Ingenuity Pyramid © are meant to foster a state of mind opened to a broader range of options and tactics They are designed to help users recognize the behavior patterns of key audiences, players, and outside forces, and to address key issues and problems quickly, thereby reducing the enormous pressu.  Rola   Сысо   Serg   HistISBN 1883291356.

The Global Business Game: A Simulation in Strategic Management and International Business артикул 12929d.
The Global Business Game: A Simulation in Strategic Management and International Business артикул 12929d.

The Global Business Game: A Simulation in Strategic Management and International Business puts students in control of a television set manufacturing company that is now under attack from many competitors and confronting consumer demands for higher quality levels and features Players must make decision that affect product quality, shareholder ознгч value, profitability and more The CD-ROM based game is cross-functional covering all areas found in the business school's core curriculum, with specific chapters devoted to marketing, operations management and accounting/finance The Global Business Game is an adventure in strategic management and international business that will challenge the learner and serve them for years to come as they practice in the new-world economy.  Davi   Ever   Micr   MartISBN 0324161832.

The Timid Corporation : Why Business is Terrified of Taking Risk артикул 12931d.
The Timid Corporation : Why Business is Terrified of Taking Risk артикул 12931d.

'This book provides a much needed critical intervention in the governance and risk management mania that has characterised corporate regulation in the past ten years Benjamin Hunt challenges us to reinterpret the mantras of brand management, customer focus, stakeholder dialogue, shareholder value and many more as products of an anxious society ознгя populated by defensive corporations, fearful of markets and led by empty political systems The Timid Corporation is refreshingly provocative, and offers atimely reminder of the paradox of corporate regulation in the post-Enron world which can never restore trust This book is essential reading for managers, politicians and academics concerned with the consequences of a culture of corporate risk aversion for genuine innovation " Michael Power, P D Leake Professor of Accounting, and Co-Director, ESRC Centre for Analysis of Risk and Regulation, London School of Economics.  Фран   Прои   Beko   DiscISBN 0470843683.

Decision, Probability, and Utility артикул 12933d.
Decision, Probability, and Utility артикул 12933d.

Decision theory and the theory of rational choice have recently been the subjects of considerable research by philosophers and economists However, no adequate anthology exists which can be used to introduce students to the field This volume is designedto meet that need The essays included are organized into five parts covering the foundations озндп of decision theory, the conceptualization of probability and utility, pholosophical difficulties with the rules of rationality and with the assessment of probability, and causal decision theory The editors provide an extensive introduction to the field and introductions to each part.  8942   Seve   Удар   RenzISBN 0521336589.

C By Discovery (4th Edition) артикул 12935d.
C By Discovery (4th Edition) артикул 12935d.

Book Description This book provides an introduction to the C programming language It is widely known for its accurate and precise descriptions, its careful annotation of code, and its comprehensive coverage of topics This book includes numerous "Learning Activities" which allow readers to immediately "do it" after they озндх "read it" in the book This book is for readers interested in learning the C programming language.  stud   Afro   Prin   Миро2004 г 996 стр ISBN 1576761703.

Pro Visual C++/CLI and the NET 2 0 Platform артикул 12937d.
Pro Visual C++/CLI and the NET 2 0 Platform артикул 12937d.

This book explains how to write NET 2 0 applications and services It provides you with a clean slate, erasing the need for developing the COM, DCOM, COM+, or ActiveX components that used to be a necessity Instead, you'll learn how to write NET applications using C++/CLI This book is based on its highly successful predecessor, and bridges the gap between озндъ classic C++ and C++/CLI Furthermore, this edition is based on the newest version of Visual Studio NET (2005) and NET Platform version 2 0 And all topic areas include specific code examples By the end of the book, you will be proficient in developing NET applications and services for both the Windows desktop and the Web Автор Стивен Р Г Фрейзер Stephen R G Fraser.  Wind   Road   Mari   консИздательство: Apress, 2005 г Твердый переплет, 960 стр ISBN 1590596404.

A Laboratory Course in C++ Data Structures артикул 12939d.
A Laboratory Course in C++ Data Structures артикул 12939d.

A Laboratory Course in C++ Data Structures, Second Edition exemplifies the active learning experience With a dynamic learn-by-doing focus, this laboratory manual encourages students to explore data structures by implementing them, a process through which students discover how data structures work and how they can be applied Providing a framework озндю that offers feedback and support, this text challenges students to exercise their creativity in both programming and analysis Each laboratory unit consistsof four parts: the Prelab, the Bridge, the In-lab, and the Postlab, which create an excellent hands-on learning opportunity for students in supervised labs and students engaged in independent study.  Bozi   Слов   клуб   ЛитРISBN 0763719765.

Managing Credit Risk: The Next Great Financial Challenge артикул 12941d.
Managing Credit Risk: The Next Great Financial Challenge артикул 12941d.

The phenomenal growth of the credit markets has spawned a powerful array of new instruments for managing credit risk, but until now there has been no single source of information and commentary on them In Managing Credit Risk, three highly regarded professionals in the field have - for the first time - gathered state-of-the-art information on the ознеж tools, techniques, and vehicles available today for managing credit risk Throughout the book they emphasize the actual practice of managing credit risk, and draw on the experience of leading experts who have successfully implemented credit risk solutions Starting with a lucid analysis of recent sweeping changes in the U S and global financial markets, this comprehensive resource documents the credit explosion and its remarkable opportunities - as well as its potentially devastating dangers Analyzing the problems that have occurred during its growth period - S&L failures, business failures, bond and loan defaults, derivatives debacles - and the solutions that have enabled the credit market to continue expanding, Managing Credit Riskexamines the major players and institutional settings for credit risk, including banks, insurance companies, pension funds, exchanges, clearinghouses, and rating agencies By carefully delineating the different perspectives of each of these groups with respect to credit risk, this unique resource offers a comprehensive guide to the rapidly changing marketplace for credit products Managing Credit Risk describes all the major credit risk management tools with regard to their strengths and weaknesses, their fitness to specific financial situations, and their effectiveness The instruments covered in each of these detailed sections include: credit risk models based on accounting data and market values; models based on stock price; consumer finance models; models for small business; models for real estate, emerging market corporations, and financial institutions; country risk models; and more There is an important analysis of default results on corporate bonds and loans, and credit rating migration In all cases, the authors emphasize that success will go to those firms that employ the right tools and create the right kind of risk culture within their organizations A strong concluding chapter integrates emerging trends in the financial markets with the new methods in the context of the overall credit environment Concise, authoritative, and lucidly written, Managing Credit Risk is essential reading for bankers, regulators, and financial market professionals who face the great new challenges - and promising rewards - of credit risk management Авторы John B Caouette Эдвард И Элтман Edward I Altman Paul Narayanan.  ЛитР   Трои   Води   ГросСерия: Wiley Frontiers in Finance Series.

The Times Comprehensive Atlas of the World (подарочное издание артикул 12943d.
The Times Comprehensive Atlas of the World (подарочное издание артикул 12943d.

Красочно оформленное подарочное издание в твердом переплете с шелковым ляссе Книга вложена в твердый подарочный футляр Presented in an elegant gold cover and slipcase, and printed on Forest Stewardship Council paper, this ознек is the ultimate coffee table book and the world's most prestigious atlas - the perfect blend of tradition, authority, and style The atlas begins with contributions from geographical experts, providing detailed information on the key issues facing the world today - climate change, environmental threats, global communications, biodiversity, and energy resources - with supporting maps, images, photographs, and graphics The unique scope and breadth of the index - with more than 200,000 entries - also includes a comprehensive set of alternative spellings for place names and former names This authoritative reference was reprinted with updates in 2008 Формат книги: 31 см х 45,5 см Размер футляра: 32 см х 46,5 см 12 edition Иллюстрации.  Герш   Acad   Иллю   СодеСерия: The Times.

Ivor Horton's Beginning ANSI C++: The Complete Language, Third Edition артикул 12945d.
Ivor Horton's Beginning ANSI C++: The Complete Language, Third Edition артикул 12945d.

Amazon comIvor Horton's Beginning C++ provides a thorough and exceptionally well-written introduction to the world of C++ This guide pays the same attention to detail as Horton's previous book, Beginning Java, and it provides clear and illustrative examples, making it an excellent candidate for your programming bookshelf Even working C++ ознен programmers may not be familiar with all the advanced features of the Standard C++ The approach throughout Beginning C++ is to cover what C++ does out of the box (One good reason to consider C++ instead of Java, for example, is that C++ is very close to becoming an international standard, while Java continues to fragment amid proprietary disputes between vendors such as Sun Microsystems and Microsoft ) Even early chapters introduce Standard Library features along with basic C++ data types, keywords, operators, and flow control statements The built-in C++ string class gets full coverage, all before the book introduces the concepts of pointers (It's significant that the new C++ can do a lot more than manipulate data through pointers The author makes a strong case that these built-in strengths are what will let C++ compete against Java ) Later chapters explore topics in class design, which lets you design custom effective classes in C++ Thorny issues in class design, such as inheritance, virtual methods, and the proper use of default and copy constructors, as well as the pitfalls and advantages of operator overloading, are all presented in remarkably clear detail Classes in the C++ Standard Template Library are given their due In all, Beginning C++ provides a massive amount of material, but presents it in digestible increments The authors do a fine job of presenting the basics before going on to more advanced topics This can be used as a stand-alone text to getting the most out of the C++ language Book Description Written in the same style that has made Ivor Horton a best-selling author, this third edition of his popular title is a comprehensive, ground-up tutorial! The third edition has been completely revised and updated, and is ideal for self-taught students and scholars enrolled in structured courses The text and examples are progressive; each topic builds and expands upon the previous topic Further, the book provides in-depth coverage of class templates, including an introduction to the Standard Template Library No prior knowledge of any particular programming language is assumed; the only requirement is a basic appreciation of elementary programming concepts If you understand the basic notions of how programs work&emdash;like branching and looping&emdash;this book is for you! Horton demonstrates all language elements with complete working code examples, and includes practice exercises at the end of each chapter Download Description Completely revised and updated Material is suited to both self-taught learners and structured courses Includes progressive text and examples, with each topic building on what has been learned previously In-depth coverage of class templates, including an introduction to the Standard Template Library Written in the style that has made Ivor Horton one of todays bestselling authors, Ivor Hortons Beginning ANSI C++: The Complete Language, Third Edition is a comprehensive ground-up tutorial on the complete C++ language following the ANSI specification No prior knowledge of any particular programming language is assumed and only an appreciation of elementary programming concepts - branching looping and the basic notions of how programs work - is required to use the book All language elements are demonstrated with complete working code examples and exercises are includedat the end of each chapter.  МГор   веду   Dixi   Цыбу2004 г 1120 стр ISBN 1590592271.

Dios es el evangelio артикул 12947d.
Dios es el evangelio артикул 12947d.

This book is a story from the heart of John Piper He is pleading for us to see that God Himself, as revealed in Christ s death and resurrection, is the ultimate and greatest gift of the gospel All God s gifts are loving only to the degree that they lead us to God Himself That is what God's love is: His commitment to do everything necessary to enthrall us Автор ознеп Джон Пайпер John Piper.  Куца   Mast   Стер   молоИздательство: Editorial Portavoz, 2007 г Мягкая обложка, 192 стр ISBN 0825415888 Язык: Испанский.

Metaprogramming GPUs with Sh артикул 12949d.
Metaprogramming GPUs with Sh артикул 12949d.

Book DescriptionShading, as part of the creation of realistic computer-generated images, is currently bringing major advances to computer graphics, with important practical applications in computer game design and animation Shaders are a more sophisticated way of making 3D objects look more realistic While most shaders are created using ознет proprietary shading languages, Sh, a new open-source system, simplifies the shader programming process by making it part of the C++ language This book introduces Sh and describes how to program a GPU (graphics processing unit) using C++ to implement both basic and advanced shading techniques Readers of this book will be able to start writing advanced, modular shaders using Sh within a day!.  Спир   Guar   Jean   Magn2004 г 307 стр ISBN 1568812299.

Cyber Business : Mindsets for a Wired Age артикул 12951d.
Cyber Business : Mindsets for a Wired Age артикул 12951d.

Cyber Business Mindsets for a Wired Age Cyber Business has arrived and everyone is involved Terms like "virtual organisation" and "management by wire" are now being taken extremely seriously So do you know what they mean? Or will you be left behind? From PC to Virtual Community The world of Cyber Business starts with the ознец PC on your desk, takes in the Internet and virtual reality, and even flirts with science fiction Across the world, millions already communicate by computer Cyberspace the world of electronic information is a new frontier waiting to be explored What does it all mean for you? Think back just a few years to a time before fax and e-mail How on earth did we get anything done? Now think forward a few years Dont be fooled into thinking that the computer revolution is over The best is yet to come A Mindset for the Future As Cyber Business developments gather momentum, the divide between man and machine will continue to blur Already irreversible social and cultural transitions have been triggered in the scramble to re-engineer business operations for the 21st century Everyone must embrace a new mindset we are all witnessing the dawn of a new age Cyber Business isnt a management toolkit or tutorial guide Rather it will make you think about the cutting edge concepts and jargon which normally float by half understood, but which will soon govern that fine line between failure and success Christopher Barnatt is a well-qualified guide to Cyber Business He is lecturer in Organisational Behaviour, Computers and Management at the University of Nottingham His previous publications include The Computers in Business Blueprint (1994) "… an invaluable guide to the new language of the superhighway… For entrepreneurs everywhere this book will keep you on the cutting edge of competition For others who simply want to keep in touch with what is the fastest moving area of their business lives this book is a must ".  OZON   Wind   Топо   InteISBN 0471956058.

Socially Responsible IT Management артикул 12953d.
Socially Responsible IT Management артикул 12953d.

Socially Responsible IT Management shows IT professionals how to overcome the social crisis that has resulted from the wide-spread use of information technology By responsibly managing security threats, protecting individual privacy, reducing hazardous waste, and minimizing other negative effects on IT staff and computer users, as well ознеш as ordinary citizens around the world, IT professionals can benefit the society at large and reap rewards for their own organizations as well Scandals at Enron, Andersen, Sotheby's and Christie's, Merrill Lynch, and Tyco are fueling a crisis of confidence in business Regulators, voters, investors, customers, and employees are demanding that businesses be more socially responsible Rhetoric is not enough, all organizations need to demonstrate that they are living up to social expectations Erbschloe shows managers how to take charge of key aspects of their IT operations and follow a morally, ethically, and legally correct path to success · Supported by author speaking tour and "Computer Economics" website, www computereconomics com · Step-by-step instructions on how to accomplish objectives of privacy and security · Explains principles of ergonomics, energy efficiency, and recycling that can bring return on investment.  Malc   Звон   Соло   автоISBN 1555582907.

Access 2003 Power Programming with VBA артикул 12955d.
Access 2003 Power Programming with VBA артикул 12955d.

Microsoft Access remains an important part of the Windows developer's environment, in that the doughty database management system represents a simple and relatively straightforward core for forms-based software modules Access 2003 Power Programming with VBA is a resource for programmers (particularly novice ones) working with Access and ознея its native tongue, Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) The emphasis in these pages falls on getting specific tasks done (examples include modifying a stock menu bar, connecting to data sources, listening for interface events, and exporting XML) Other coverage is more basic, and appropriate for Access developers in their novitiate stage It deals with such fundamentals as declaring variables, establishing controlstructures (such as loops and case statements), and using the features of the Visual Basic Editor Will this book help you? Probably, to some extent It's well-written and the authors have made wise decisions about which aspects of the Access universe to include and which to leave out (Access is a big subject) Their explanatory sections are clear and easy to follow, and their code is clever enough On the other hand, the odds are small that you'll get all the information you need out of this book, unless the application you want to write is super-simple Take this book as one step in a potentially long journey toward the application you want, and in an even longer one toward VBA mastery --David Wall Topics covered: The mostimportant tools and techniques to be used in writing applications based on Microsoft Access 2003 Software design and the differences among the many Access releases are covered at first, and a clever section on Access development without VBA explains database schema development and the use of standard forms Most of the book deals with VBA, though, including its capacity to create graphical user interfaces, connect to databases, integrate with other applications, and work with XML data A chapter on multi-user applications (which has mainly to do with database locking) is helpful.  Rene   Edga   Caro   НефеISBN 0764525883.

Computer-Supported Cooperative Work : A Book of Readings артикул 12902d.
Computer-Supported Cooperative Work : A Book of Readings артикул 12902d.

Computer-supported cooperative work is a field devoted to understanding group work processes and developing tools to enhance collaborative efforts This book provides a comprehensive view of this dynamic area through a collection of articles from itsdiverse contributing fields, with introduction and analysis by the editor Part 1 provides озная a concise history of the field, defining its early goals and seminal projects In Part 2, current projects and their underlying technologies, including hypertext and database technologies for information sharing, are presented and evaluated Finally, Part 3 outlines the theories and empirical studies guiding system design based on understanding human dynamics as well as system dynamics Each section includes reprints, attractively re-typeset, of important papers from the seminal conferences and publications laying the foundations for the field.  Росс   Undi   Арцр   JerzISBN 0934613575.

Now Loading: The Aesthetic of Web Graphics артикул 12904d.
Now Loading: The Aesthetic of Web Graphics артикул 12904d.

Elegant and playful this great new title takes an aesthetic approach to web graphics, focusing on the impulse of the web designer to create something that transcends the purely commercial dimension of site design Now Loading looks at the influence the web has had on design and how web designers achieve a balance of information, composition, symbols, ознбд color and audience satisfaction despite the restrictions of cyberspace The book is split into sections that cover animation, information, iconography, products, services, designers' home pages and more In a section called 'private sector' the general population expresses itsef Now Loading assesses Flash and other multimedia tools and shows how creative execution of color, graphics and visual organization has given life to some of the world's leading corporate websites.  Sifr   Fisk   рабо   ЮсупISBN 1584230770.

Житие преподобного отца нашего Константина, что из иудеев Житие св исповедника Никиты, игумена Мидикийского артикул 12906d.
Житие преподобного отца нашего Константина, что из иудеев Житие св исповедника Никиты, игумена Мидикийского артикул 12906d.

Составитель: Д Афиногенов Книга адресована студентам и аспирантам, специализирующимся в области классической филологии, а также всем интересующимся историей византийской ознбй литературы и историей церкви Содержание Житие преподобного отца нашего Константина, что из иудеев (переводчик: Д Афиногенов) c 4-94 Житие св исповедника Никиты, игумена Мидикийского (переводчик: Д Афиногенов) c 95-146 Церковнославянский перевод `Жития св Никиты Мидикийского` Феостирикта и его текстологическое значение c 147-159.  Park   Soul   Hits   SPORСерия: Святоотеческая письменность.

Decision Making with Insight (Includes Insight xla 2 0) артикул 12908d.
Decision Making with Insight (Includes Insight xla 2 0) артикул 12908d.

Dr Sam Savage, who's recognized as a leading innovator in management science education, provides the most hands-on , practical introduction to methods of decision making This book and accompanying suite of Excel add-ins for quantitative analysis covers Monte Carlo simulation, decision trees, queuing simulations, optimization, Markov chains, ознбр and forecasting The Insight add-ins have been developed over several years by the author Автор Sam L Savage.  Mari   Vino   Cafe   GabrИздательство: Duxbury Press, 2003 г Мягкая обложка, 368 стр ISBN 0534386393.

Web Design using DreamWeaver артикул 12910d.
Web Design using DreamWeaver артикул 12910d.

Web Page Design using Dreamweaver, by Marc Miller and Thomas Padgett, offers students an understanding of web development using the powerful DreamWeaver product Unique online interactive training modules stress hands-on experience with each chapter's concepts and procedures Through the use of the text and modules, the student will learn ознбц how to use DreamWeaver to create a fully functional business website from a starting point of a blank web page.  серт   Myth   Stan   PerpISBN 0072560290.

The Discipline of Teams: A Mindbook-Workbook for Delivering Small Group Performance артикул 12912d.
The Discipline of Teams: A Mindbook-Workbook for Delivering Small Group Performance артикул 12912d.

Concepts, Principles, and Practical Techniques for Improving Small-Group Performance The authors of the phenomenal bestseller, The Wisdom of Teams, are back This time Jon Katzenbach and Doug Smith focus on the issues of small group discipline and performance and the challenges presented by revolutionary technologies that enable the creation ознбя of virtual teams and global teams The Discipline of Teams helps small groups implement the disciplines, frameworks, tools, and techniques that enable performance With detailed guidance and dozens of indispensable exercises, they present a regimen proven to improve performance and help groups adhere to the Six Basic Principles of Team Discipline: Keep team membership small Ensure that members have complementary skills Develop a common purpose Set common goals Establish a commonly agreed upon working approach Integrate mutual and individual accountability The Discipline of Teams is an indispensable resource for any small group in any organization that wants to raise the bar by setting and achieving more ambitious performance goals again and again Katzenbach and Smiths work on teams over the past decade has been called "essential", "path breaking", and "the best ever" by Business Week, Harvard Business Review, the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times, Leader to Leader, Fast Company, the Financial Times, and other publications around the world Tens of thousands of teams, from the executive suite to the front lines, have applied the Katzenbach and Smith disciplines to increase the performance of their organizations and themselves.  Tran   книг   Creo   DonaISBN 047138254X.

Чайный гриб, плесени, дрожжи артикул 12914d.
Чайный гриб, плесени, дрожжи артикул 12914d.

В этой книге речь идет о наших общих знакомых, мы сталкиваемся с ними на каждом шагу Среди них есть повара, фармацевты, пивовары, виноделы, обитатели наших квартир Есть среди них ознвг и вредители, которые портят продукты, домашние заготовки, книги, заставляют болеть растения Все они — дрожжи, плесени, ржавчины, головни — входят в многочисленную семью грибов Автор Татьяна Анисимова.  LEGO   Ткал   впер   RogeСерия: Панацея.

Strategy in the Public Sector: A Guide to Effective Change Management артикул 12916d.
Strategy in the Public Sector: A Guide to Effective Change Management артикул 12916d.

The public sector is experiencing tremendous pressure for strategic change Governments in many countries require public sector managers to be more responsive to the public and to deliver more value with constrained budgets Members of the public also face change, and look to their public sector organisations to provide efficient and high quality ознвп service, while adapting their activities in a complex and dynamic world Strategy in the Public Sector provides guidance to managers who have responsibility for delivering increased levels of efficiency and innovation and accountability It shows how strategic changes can be made through realigning and increasing the capacity of the public sector organisation It shows how managers are now handling strategic changes in the context of public policy, favouring pluralism of service delivery systems and partnership working Based on the practical experience of managers in local government, central government, health services and education, the book presents insights, lessons and examples from many countries on both sides of the Atlantic that help bring about effective strategic change Strategy in the Public Sector has been written for anyone who has a role in modernising the public sector and requires a practical guide in making strategic changes that are both responsive to the public need and sustainable.  Jame   Алек   Cher   IsaaISBN 0471895253.

Фландри с Земли артикул 12918d.
Фландри с Земли артикул 12918d.

Классик мировой фантастики XX века Лауреат всех престижнейших премий и наград жанра Писатель, которому подвластны все направления фантастики - от научной фантастики до фэнтези, ознвс от "путешествий во времени" до философской притчи Писатель, который равно гениален и в коротком рассказе, и в масштабной эпопее История будущего История Галактической Федерации - и Галактической Империи Но, прежде всего - история приключений секретного агента Империи Доминика Фландри! Содержание Мичман Фландри (переводчик: М Андреев) c 5-206 Фландри с Земли (переводчик: А Суворова) c 207-410 Агент Земной Империи (переводчик: А Михайлова) c 411-588 Автор Пол Уильям Андерсон Poul William Anderson Родился в Бристоле, штат Пенсильвания, в семье выходцев из Скандинавии (чем и объясняется нетипичное для орфографии английского языка написание его первого имени - Poul) Окончил университет штата Миннесота со степенью бакалавра по физике Второе.  Херл   Etni   Diam   HarrСерия: Классика мировой фантастики.

Beginning SharePoint Administration: Windows SharePoint Services and SharePoint Portal Server артикул 12920d.
Beginning SharePoint Administration: Windows SharePoint Services and SharePoint Portal Server артикул 12920d.

* Beginning with a helpful overview of the differences between Windows SharePoint Services (WSS) and SharePoint Portal Server (SPS), this book alleviates the confusion between the two with clear explanations of their differences, a look at how they complement each other, and advice on which to use in what settings * Examines how SharePoint works ознву with other Microsoft products including Word, Outlook, and Excel * Demonstrates how to install, configure, and manage WSS and SPS; how to set up SharePoint for typical uses like intranet, document management, project management, and meetings; and how to allow external users access to SharePoint * Provides step-by-step details on how to perform common real-world administrative procedures such as backup and restore, security configuration, and troubleshooting Автор Горан Хасман Goran Husman.  Alex   Aqua   Gmax   Andr2006 г Мягкая обложка, 552 стр ISBN 0470038632.

Decision Analysis for Management Judgment артикул 12922d.
Decision Analysis for Management Judgment артикул 12922d.

Decision analysis can play a valuable role in helping people to make decisions that involve risks or multiple objectives, but potential users are often deterred by the presentation of the subject in a mathematical form This book aims to make decision analysis accessible to managers and administrators Written in a user-friendly style, with little ознвэ or no mathematical notation, and using practical examples, the book is unrivalled in its breadth of coverage of decision analysis methods It demonstrates the pitfalls associated with unaided decision making and shows how difficult decisions can be tackled in structured ways so that new insights emerge and a documented and defensible rationale for the decision is established Extended and updated, this new edition contains a new chapter on structured risk and uncertainty management, updated coverage of research on how people make decisions, including fast and frugal heuristics, a detailed case study demonstrating the application of scenario planning andenhanced coverage of decision framing Additional exercises have also been added to many chapters, while a companion web site contains valuable resources for lecturers and students These include detailed answers to end-of-chapter exercises, PowerPoint slides, specimen examination papers and coursework with suggested answers, and links to other resources on the Internet, including downloadable software Assuming no prior knowledge of decision analysis, this book will help both practising managersfaced with the responsibility of making crucial decisions as well as students on management, business administration and operations research courses.  Tato   Kary   спас   ЗареISBN 0470861088.

О вечном без иллюзий Слово мое артикул 12924d.
О вечном без иллюзий Слово мое артикул 12924d.

Содержанию этой книги очень сложно дать определение Для начала, она написана от имени Бога Но точно не Скрижали Она о Непознанном и Необъятном Но точно не классическая философия ознгг Она о Духе Но точно не эзотерика Она о Человеке Но точно не антропология Она о Вере Но точно не религия В ней есть Свобода, Воля, Душа, Индивидуальность, Развитие, Любовь, Просветление, Вдохновение, Жизнь и Путь И Человек в них Она смешна, но невероятно серьезна Кто в состоянии, тот уже ощутил Вы еще жаждете объяснений? Тогда вы ее почитайте Она не нуждается в объяснениях Автор Сергей Тюренков.  крас   9056   Arts   03-1Серия: Мир разума и духа.

Networking Health: Prescriptions for the Internet артикул 12926d.
Networking Health: Prescriptions for the Internet артикул 12926d.

Consumer health websites have garnered considerable media attention, but only begin to scratch the surface of the more pervasive transformations the Internet could bring to health and health care Networking Health examines ways in which the Internet maybecome a routine part of health care delivery and payment, public health, health education, ознгс and biomedical research Building upon a series of site visits, this book: weighs the role of the Internet versus private networks in uses ranging from the transfer of medical images to providing video-based medical consultations at a distance; reviews technical challenges in the areas of quality of service, security, reliability, and access, and looks at the potential utility of the next generation of online technologies; discusses ways health care organizations can use the Internet to support their strategic interests and explores barriers to a broader deployment of the Internet; recommends steps that private and public sector entities can take to enhance the capabilities of the Internet for health purposes and to prepare health care organizations to adopt new Internet-based applications.  Щерб   Exce   Добр   SvagISBN 0309068436.

Starting Out With C++ Alternate артикул 12928d.
Starting Out With C++ Alternate артикул 12928d.

Book Description Starting Out with C++ Alternate teaches C++ from the ground up, and assumes no prior background in programming In Starting Out With C++ Alternate, Gaddis makes a very detailed and slow-paced presentation of both programming and C++ syntax concepts so all readers will be able to follow along This version of the text gives an early ознгц introduction to classes and objects The book includes the hallmark pedagogocial features that readers of Gaddis books have come to expect Readers who are new to programming, as well as those with prior work in other languages will find this text beneficial.  слов   Mich   Garm   Crac2005 г ISBN 0321387678.

Small C++ How to Program (5th Edition) (How to Program) артикул 12930d.
Small C++ How to Program (5th Edition) (How to Program) артикул 12930d.

Book Description This new, briefer edition of C++ How to Program follows all the extensive updates made to C++ How to Program, Fifth Edition and offers readers a concise, introduction to the basics of object-oriented programming in C++ Small C++ features an early object and classes approach and covers the basics of object-oriented programming ознгъ including classes, objects, encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism Provides complete programming exercises along with numerous tips, recommended practices and cautions (all marked with icons) for writing code that is portable, reusable and optimized for performance The accompanying CD-ROM includes all the source code from the book A useful brief reference for programmers or anyone who wants to learn more about the C++ programming language.  хоро   полю   Silv   Brot2005 г 848 стр ISBN 0131857584.

Programming and Problem Solving With C++ артикул 12932d.
Programming and Problem Solving With C++ артикул 12932d.

Book DescriptionProgramming and Problem Solving with C++, Fourth Edition provides an accessible introduction to C++ and object-oriented programming With straightforward examples and complete case studies, this text helps readers develop good programminghabits right from the start Both algorithmic development and functional decomposition озндк design methodology are emphasized Function interface design, modular design, data abstraction, and abstract data types are explored in a supportive teaching style The text discusses metalanguages explicitly, introduces Big-O notation early, and guides students through the C++ classes, encapsulation, information hiding, and object-oriented software development A chapter on templates and exceptions enables the reader to maximize their potential and master topics once considered too advanced for beginner students Featuring new exercises and updated problem-solving cases studies throughout, Programming and Problem Solving with C++, Fourth Edition is the essential text for your introductory programming courses.  цвет   Осип   Para   18152004 г 1100 стр ISBN 0763707988.

C# 2 0 : Practical Guide for Programmers (The Practical Guides) артикул 12934d.
C# 2 0 : Practical Guide for Programmers (The Practical Guides) артикул 12934d.

Book DescriptionYou dont need coddling; you dont need to be told what you already know What you need is a book that uses your experience as a Java or C++ programmer to give you a leg up into the challenges and rewards of C# And this Practical Guide is precisely what youre after Written by a team that boasts extensive experience teaching C# to professionals, озндс this book provides a practical, efficient explanation of the language itself, covering basic to advanced features and calling out all thatsnew in 2 0 Its instruction is always firmly situated within the context of the NET framework and bolstered by code examples, key lessons in object-oriented programming, and installments of a realistic application programming tutorial Concise and incisive, this is the best way to master the worlds fastest-growing and most marketable programming language Features * Provides a carefully focused explanation of every aspect of the C# language, including entire chapters on the unified type system, advanced types, collections, generics, reflection and attributes * Highlights all features new to the latest version of C# and organizes its presentation of C# according to the key principles of object-oriented programming and the NET framework * Using end-of-chapter exercises, incrementally develops a cohesive application programming tutorial * Includes an easy-to-use appendix on the grammatical rules of C# and provides downloadable example code via the companion website * Provides a carefully focused explanation of every aspect of the C# language, including entire chapters on the unified type system, advanced types, collections, generics, reflection and attributes * Highlights all features new to the latest version of C# and organizes its presentation of C# according to the key principles of object-oriented programming and the NET framework * Using end-of-chapter exercises, incrementally develops a cohesive application programming tutorial * Includes an easy-to-use appendix on the grammatical rules of C# and provides downloadable example code via the companion website.  Geni   OPEL   Blau   PENN2005 г 272 стр ISBN 0121674517.

Warning! : May Contain Nuts! absolutely the first definitive review of the incompetent, inadvertent and occasionally illegal world of business in the new Millenium артикул 12936d.
Warning! : May Contain Nuts! absolutely the first definitive review of the incompetent, inadvertent and occasionally illegal world of business in the new Millenium артикул 12936d.

Book DescriptionIn Warning: May Contain Nuts we are once again pleasantly immersed in the world which is Barry Gibbons Following on from his best selling Dream Merchants and Howboys, Barry Gibbons, former CEO of Burger King and iconoclast, gives a hilarious and insightful account of how and why businesses get it wrong! Through a series of droll озндц vignettes, Gibbons takes us on a romp-roaring ride through the next 999 years of corporate mayhem and madness - bad behaviours which affect everyone - from the street sweeper to the CEO in his private jet Because we're not talking about little blips on a profit and loss statement in a poxy sector of some niche industry Business has far more an impact on our daily lives than government or politics About half of the world's biggest economies are now corporations From Enron's attempt to bring back the eighties with their excessive greed to Vodafone's loosing millions (that didn't actually exist in the first place) - Gibbons rips into the antics of these once trusted companies So is it all doom and gloom? Are we destined for failure because of the frolicking these companies get up to - at our expense!? Are there any lessons or optimistic quick turn-around plans of action that Gibbons can share with us? Not really But Warning: May Contain Nuts makes for some highly entertaining reading And for the clever among us the lessons are implied Just don't be daft.  язык   Буха   Сост   демо2003 г ISBN 1841124621.

Critical Corporate Communications : A Best Practice Blueprint (CBI Fast Track) артикул 12938d.
Critical Corporate Communications : A Best Practice Blueprint (CBI Fast Track) артикул 12938d.

Book DescriptionCritical Corporate Communications :A Best Practice Blueprint Naomi Langford-Wood and Brian Salter A good flow of information is essential to all businesses that succeed The latest Fast Track title is a practical and comprehensive guide to getting the very best out of your corporate communications It deals with all the different ознды methods of internal and external corporate communication available - letters, fax, email, text, WAP, internet, telephone, face-to-face, and even body language and other non-verbal signals - and shows how best to utilise them within your organisation Best practice examples are given as well as advice for implementation via a communications audit Author: Naomi is an entrepreneur and professional business writer; Brian Salter spent many years as a professional broadcaster and presenter with the BBC, and was formerly head of communications at the Institute of Directors They are co-founders of the Topspin Group and have co-written over 15 books Readership: Mid to senior level executives in strategic, corporate communications, PR, and marketing roles; consultants, trainers, business advisers, and owner-managers of SMEs ISBN:0470 84763 8 208pp (pr) GBP 14 99 US 24 95EUR 24 80 Sep 2002Download Description"Effective communication lies at the heart of every successful business All good communication involves an efficient exchange of information, both internally and externally In addition, knowing what and how to convey a message is equally important Proliferating methods of communication, e g email, fax, mobile, Internet, telephone, verbal and non-verbal exchanges, widen the range of choices, and also increase the chances of choosing an inappropriate channel for getting your message across Real-life examples illustrate best and worst practice in communication A communications audit is also provided, looking in detail at which forms of communication currently work, where information is drawn from and its credibility and the use of different channels The audit will most importantly provide a benchmark for companies to calibrate their present and future success A sample audit response is also included Mid- to senior level executives, owner-managers, consultants, trainers and advisers will find this an indispensable guide ".  Щерб   увед   серт   Fran2003 г ISBN 0470847638.

C# Precisely артикул 12940d.
C# Precisely артикул 12940d.

Book DescriptionC# is an object-oriented programming language that is similar to the Java programming language in many respects but more comprehensive and different in most details This book gives a concise description of C# It is intended as a guide for readers who know Java and want to learn C# and as a quick reference for anyone who wants to know ознев C# in more detail than that provided by a standard textbook The final chapter of C# Precisely summarizes the differences between C# and Java C# Precisely is one of the first books on C# to cover version 2 0 It presents the entire C# 2 0 programming language, including generics, iterators, and anonymous methods It excludes most of the extensive Microsoft NET framework class libraries except threads, input/output, and generic collection classes The book shows general rules on left-hand pages, with corresponding examples on right-hand pages All examples are fragments of legal C# programs The complete, ready-to-run example programs are available at the book's Web site.  Низо   рома   Goin   Ауди2004 г 224 стр ISBN 0262693178.

Simply C++ : An Application-Driven Tutorial Approach (Simply) артикул 12942d.
Simply C++ : An Application-Driven Tutorial Approach (Simply) артикул 12942d.

Book Description The Simply series combines the DEITEL® signature LIVE-CODE Approach with a new APPLICATION-DRIVEN methodology, in which readers build practical, real-world applications that incorporate C++ programming fundamentals Readers build and execute complete applications from start to finish while learning the basics of programming ознеи from the ground up Offers a full-color presentation, including syntax coloring, code highlighting, callouts and extensive comments Features ten additional multiple-choice questions at the end of every tutorial, plus "What does this code do?" and "What's wrong with this code?" exercises, and four programming exercises focused on real-world applications, including a "Programming Challenge " Provides icon-based tips, including Good Programming Practices, Software Design Tips, Common Programming Errors, GUI Design Tips and Error-Prevention Tips Includes a comprehensive Glossary and full Index at the end of the book Provides a CD-ROM with every copy of the book that includes: (subject to change) Software including Microsoft Visual C++® NET; Internet & Web resources; Source code for all the book's examples A valuable reference for programmers or anyone who would like to learn the C++ programming language.  рабо   Herb   Руби   Соде2004 г 704 стр ISBN 0131426605.

Codeguru com Visual C++ Goodies артикул 12944d.
Codeguru com Visual C++ Goodies артикул 12944d.

CodeGuru com, an Internet com site, is the key source of beginner to advanced Visual C++ information for top professional developers Members visit the site to find and to leave posts about the most challenging tasks Visual C++ developers run into in practice In addition, members have access to vast archives of technical articles and industry commentary ознел from leading programmers in the market today As a service to CodeGuru com members and the programming public, this book has been pulled together from the top-rated articles and postings to provide easy-to-use and -reference code, commentary and quick fixes Coverage includes both Visual C++ 6 and NET, as most programmers are still using the older version of the language for day-to-day work, as well as topics like user interface design, COM, controls, database programming, graphics, DLL, plus much more The CD-ROM is a valuable resource tool for developers to find the code they need and copy it into their applications, all royalty-free.  меся   чита   теат   FlyiISBN 0789727773.

Knowledge and Understanding of the World in the Early Years Foundation Stage артикул 12946d.
Knowledge and Understanding of the World in the Early Years Foundation Stage артикул 12946d.

"The Practical Guidance in the Early Years Foundation Stage" series will assist practitioners in the smooth and successful implementation of the Early Years Foundation Stage Each book gives clear and detailed explanations of each aspect of Learning and Development and encourages readers to consider each area within its broadest ознео context to expand and develop their own knowledge and good practice Practical ideas and activities for all age groups are offered along with a wealth of expertise of how elements from the practice guidance can be implemented within all early years settings The books include suggestions for the innovative use of everyday ressources, popular books and stories Knowledge and understanding of the world cuts across all of the EYFS guiding themes and this book will encourage practitioners to think about and develop their own understanding of the implications for inclusion, respect for oneself and for others irrespective of ethnicity, culture or religion, home language, family background, learning difficulties, gender, disabilities or abilities Автор Stella Louis.  Скво   Nige   Rajn   СодеСерия: Practical Guidance in the Eyfs.

Data Mining and Business Intelligence: A Guide to Productivity артикул 12948d.
Data Mining and Business Intelligence: A Guide to Productivity артикул 12948d.

Data Mining and Business Intelligence: A Guide to Productivity provides an overview of data mining technology and how it is applied in a business environment It describes the corresponding data mining methodologies that are used to solve a variety of business problems, which enhance firm-level efficiency in a less technical, more managerial ознес style The book incorporates the data mining process into the spectrum of complementary technologies that together comprise corporate information systems that promote business intelligence Business intelligence involves the proliferation of value-added information throughout a given enterprise through the use of various applications that promotes efficiency for the firm.  Wink   Шенк   Mari   ЯковISBN 1930708033.

Managing Web-Enabled Technologies in Organizations: A Global Perspective артикул 12950d.
Managing Web-Enabled Technologies in Organizations: A Global Perspective артикул 12950d.

Technological advancement of the past several decades in computer and telecommunication technologies has had a profound impact upon the fundamental structures of society, and particularly upon organizations As these technologies have matured and developed, many organizations have been looking into the organizational and managerial changes ознеф that can be made that allow the organization to achieve greater utilization of these technologies to improve their competitive postures Web-enabled technology has become a serious contender Many global organizations are looking into emerging web-enabled technologies to make their dispersed operations around the world more efficient and to maintain greater control over their resources Those organizations that havenot attempted to identify and master the many applications of web-enabled technologies will have serious difficulty competing and surviving This book gives you the latest research finding/writings related to the web-enabled technologies utilization and management in organizations throughout the world.  Fina   Sabb   писа   MirrISBN 1878289721.

Beginning C, Third Edition артикул 12952d.
Beginning C, Third Edition артикул 12952d.

Book Description I hope to read this new C book and improve my ability to understand other people's C, and perhaps make tweaks if needed — Richard Bejtlich, TaoSecurity The updated classic from author, lecturer, and respected academic Ivor Horton, Beginning C, Third Edition is the essential guide for anyone looking to learn the C language from ознеч the ground up It is a highly recommended text for training courses and continuing education students, and assumes no prior working knowledge of C By reading this book, you'll come to understand the fundamentals of the C lanuge and learn how to program All you need is this book and any one of the widely available free or commercial C or C++ compliers, and you'll soon be writing real C programs You'll learn C from the first principles, using step-by-step working examples that you'll create and execute yourself This book will increase your programming expertise by guiding you thorugh the development of fully working C applications that use what you've learned in a practical context You'll also be able to strike out on your own by trying the exercises included at the end of each chapter Download DescriptionBeginning C, Third Edition is a classic update by teacher, lecturer, and repsected academic, Ivor Horton In Beginning C, Third Edition, Ivor Horton teaches the complete C language in a progressive step-by-step fashion All elements of the language are carefully explained, both in terms of how they work and what they are for The language features in the book are demonstrated and explained through fully working code examples through Beginning C, Third Edition is highly recommended for those who are participating in training and continuing education who want to learn C Beginning C, Third Edition gives you, the reader, everything you need to know in your quest tolearn C and, assumes no prior knowlege it truly is for beginners! This corrected and updated version of a classic bestseller is sure to please.  With   Silv   Silv   Silv2004 г 648 стр ISBN 1590592530.

C# Complete артикул 12954d.
C# Complete артикул 12954d.

Book DescriptionC# Complete is a one-of-a-kind book--valuable both for its broad content and its low price Whether you're brand-new to C# programming, are migrating from Visual Basic or Visual C++ to C#, or have already developed some expertise in C#, you'll get the skills you need to become proficient with Microsoft's powerful new language designed ознеь for the NET platform Creating complex applications in the NET Framework is made easier with C#--Microsoft's first true object-oriented programming language In C# Complete, you'll get a clear picture of everything you need to know for developing applications using C# You'll begin by learning the essential elements of the language and of Visual Studio NET, in which you'll develop and run programs in a comprehensive integrated development environment You'll see how to create functional and exciting user interfaces and desktop applications written with C#, and how to incorporate threads to their best advantage You'll explore the use of ADO NET classes in development of C# database applications Chapters on ASP NET Web Services will walk you through the building of an XML web services application You'll also visit some advanced topics, including designing with security in mind, overcoming the shortcomings of the NET Framework, and working with the Microsoft Mobile Internet Toolkit C# Complete introduces you to the work of some of Sybex's finest authors, so you'll know where to go to learn even more about C# and the NET Framework Inside: Visual C# NET Essentials Introduction to Visual C# and the NET Framework Zen and Now: The C# Language Strings Object Oriented Programming Derived Classes Arrays, Indexers, and Collections Reflecting on Classes C# Application Developmemt Building a Better Windows User Interface Building Desktop Applications Working with Threads Database Development with C# Overview of the ADO NET Classes ADO NET Application Development Using DataSet Objects to Store Data Using DataSet Objects to Modify Data ASP NET and Web Services Introduction to C# Web Applications Using XML in Web Applications Web Services Building Your Own Web Controls Advanced C# Development Overcoming Holes in the NET Framework Overcoming Security Issues Getting Started with Mobile Internet Toolkit.  Eliz   Аник   Иллю   XVII2003 г 944 стр ISBN 0782142036.

Computer Technology and Social Issues артикул 12956d.
Computer Technology and Social Issues артикул 12956d.

Interconnected political, economic Social and human factors are paramount in determining the success of information technology As global economic competition has become ever more important, the social issues of computing combine to make public policymaking more urgent in computer-related domains Though often perceived in purely technological ознжв terms, when it comes to computing, political issues are pervasive The book starts by examining charges that computing threatens democratic values Is computing creating a technological elite? Does it foster dehumanization and a de-skilled workforce? And what of the opposite claim that computing will foster a new era of electronic democracy--a network nation in which participatory team approaches and electronic civic democracy displace hierarchical models of the past? Empirical data and case studies on both sides of these and other related questions are examined from a social science viewpoint Subsequent chapters deal with computing as a threat to privacy, intellectual property rights in a computer era, computer crime by individuals and organizations, gender and race inequity, technostress and health issues, liability for the effects of computing and numerous related topics Discussion of the social issues and problems of computing leads into chapters which examine employee resistance to computing, sociotechnical change, information cultures and success factors in computing implementation Final chapters of the book deal with arguments that information technology investment may not lead to productivity gains The call for establishment of a national information technology policy to meet the demands of global competition is then taken up Public goods theory is discussed as a background to reviewing governmental efforts to regulate or promote information technology up through the current proposals of the Clinton Administration A concluding section on computing and public policy accountability argues for a focus which takes account of the social factors behind successful technological implementation and is not blind hardware-oriented subsidy of all forms of information technology investment.  tuchkas   Thin   реда   ISBN 1878289284.

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