Кали-Видья артикул 12957d.
Кали-Видья артикул 12957d.

Вашему вниманию представляются трактаты Сатьявана по Адвайта-Шиваизму (Недвойственному Шиваизму), прославляющие Великую Мать всего сущего - Кали-Бхавани (Неотъемлемую ознжд Силу и Божественную Супругу Господа Шивы) Автор Сатьяван.  Издательство: Институт общегуманитарных исследований, 2003 г Мягкая обложка, 32 стр ISBN 5-88230-066-8.

Web Work: Information Seeking and Knowledge Work on the World Wide Web (Information Science & Knowledge Management) артикул 12959d.
Web Work: Information Seeking and Knowledge Work on the World Wide Web (Information Science & Knowledge Management) артикул 12959d.

This book brings together three great motifs of the network society: the search for and use of information by individuals and groups; the creation and application of knowledge in organizations; and the fundamental transformation of these activities as they take place on the World Wide Web and corporate intranets As research endeavors, these ознжз streams overlap and share conceptual constructs, perspectives, and methods of analysis Although these overlaps and shared concerns are sometimes apparent in published research, there have been few attempts to connect these ideas explicitly and identify cross-disciplinary themes This book is an attempt to fill this void.  ISBN 0792364600.

Global Perspective of Information Technology Management артикул 12961d.
Global Perspective of Information Technology Management артикул 12961d.

Managing information technology (IT) on a global scale presents a number of opportunities and challenges To what extent does IT facilitate globalization? In what ways can IT be a constraint to globalization? How are differences in culture important to the implementation of global information systems? These and other critical issues are discussed ознжп in such chapters as "A Web-Based Data Warehouse Planning," "European Electronic Services Infrastructure Building," and "Undergraduate Global IT Education " By addressing issues such as these and incorporating the most recent research in the field, this text emphasizes the importance of evaluating the utilization and management of information technology on a global scale.  ISBN 193177711X.

Excel 2003 Power Programming with VBA (EXCEL POWER PROGRAMMING WITH VBA) артикул 12963d.
Excel 2003 Power Programming with VBA (EXCEL POWER PROGRAMMING WITH VBA) артикул 12963d.

"Today, no accomplished Excel programmer can afford to be without Johns book The value of Excel 2003 Power Programming with VBA is double most other bookssimultaneously the premier reference and best learning tool for Excel VBA " Loren Abdulezer, Author of Excel Best Practices for Business Everything you need to know about: ознжц Creating stellar UserForms and custom dialog box alternatives Working with VBA subprocedures and function procedures Incorporating event-handling and interactions with other applications Building user-friendly toolbars, menus, and help systems Manipulating files and Visual Basic® components Understanding class modules Managing compatibility issues Feel the power of VBA and Excel No one can uncover Excels hidden capabilities like "Mr Spreadsheet" himself John Walkenbach begins this power users guide with a conceptual overview, an analysis of Excel application development, and a complete introduction to VBA Then, he shows you how to customize Excel UserForms, develop new utilities, use VBA with charts and pivot tables, create event-handling applications, and much more If youre fairly new to Excel programming, heres the foundation you need If youre already a VBA veteran, you can start mining a rich lode of programming ideas right away CD-ROM Includes Trial version of the authors award-winning Power Utility Pak Over one hundred example Excel workbooks from the book System Requirements: PC running Windows® 2000 SP3 or later, or Windows XP™ or later Microsoft Excel 2003 See the "Whats on the CD" Appendix for details and complete system requirements.  ISBN 0764540726.

Microsoft Excel VBA Professional Projects (Professional Projects) артикул 12965d.
Microsoft Excel VBA Professional Projects (Professional Projects) артикул 12965d.

Book Description Microsoft Excel VBA Professional Projects illustrates and teaches intermediate to advanced techniques in VBA programming using Microsoft's Excel spreadsheet application It provides an introduction to VBA and Excel VBA before proceedingthrough four to five programming projects using Excel to illustrate basic and advanced ознжъ programming techniques It does not assume any prior knowledge of Excel VBA programming.  2003 г 744 стр ISBN 1592000657.

Цультрим Гьямцо Последовательные стадии медитации на пустотность Кхенчен Трангу Практика умиротворения и прозрения артикул 12967d.
Цультрим Гьямцо Последовательные стадии медитации на пустотность Кхенчен Трангу Практика умиротворения и прозрения артикул 12967d.

Составитель: Шенпен Хокам Предлагаемое издание включает в себя две работы известных мастеров школы Кагью, посвященные буддийской медитативной практике Автор первой книги ознжю - `Последовательные стадии медитации на пустотность`, - почтенный кхенпо Цультрим Гьямцо Ринпоче излагаетпоследовательность стадий медитации, позволяющей проникнуть в суть пустоты, то есть реализовать одну из базовых задач буддийского учения Важной особенностью этой работы является изложение материала с позиции учения Жентонг, делающего особый упор на постижении ясного света природы ума В книге Кхенчен Трангу Ринпоче `Практика умиротворения и прозрения` детально описываются два основных вида медитации - шаматха и випашьяна, - от начала пути и до полного просветления Эта работа гармонично дополняет первую книгу предлагаемого издания, подробно излагая медитативные техники, используемые при постижении пустоты Содержание Предисловие редактора Предисловие c 4-6 Последовательные стадии медитации на пустотность (переводчик: Дмитрий Устьянцев) c 7-80 Практика умиротворения и прозрения (переводчики: Питер Робертс, Дмитрий Устьянцев) c 81-191 Авторы В Орлов Кхенпо Цультрим Гьямцо Ринпоче Кхенчен Трангу Ринпоче Thrangu Rinpoche.  Антология Издательство: Шечен Мягкая обложка, 192 стр ISBN 5-93980-005-X Формат: 60x90/16 (~145х217 мм).

Mastering Excel 2003 Programming with VBA артикул 12969d.
Mastering Excel 2003 Programming with VBA артикул 12969d.

Book DescriptionCreate Powerful Business Applications with Excel 2003 Excel 2003 is an ideal application development platform for all levels of business needs If you're an advanced Excel user looking to gain programming experience, or a skilled developer new to Excel or the Excel Object Model, this no-nonsense book teaches you how to build custom ознзб applications that can generate substantial time and cost savings for you, your employer, and your customers Written by a professional with nearly a decade of experience producing Excel/VBA solutions, Mastering Excel 2003 Programming with VBA conveys the precise knowledge and techniques you need to be highly productive You'll master the most critical Excel objects and development practices necessary to create a complete solution, including working with XML data, Smart Document technology, and database integration with ADO And you can readily apply the practical advice and reusable code examples to your own projects In his friendly style, author Steven Hansen makes the information easy to grasp and entertaining to read, and he does not shy away from challenging material You'll learn all about: * Ramping up with VBA * Debugging tools and tactics that work * Mastering the Excel Object Model * Developing class modules * Customizing Excel UserForms * Integrating Excel with other applications * Incorporating text files in your solution * Coding solutions that leverage a database * Using XML in Excel * Designing user-friendly toolbars and menus * Building Excel 2003 Smart Documents * Deploying your solution.  2004 г 608 стр ISBN 0782142818.

Enterprise-Wide Software Solutions: Integration Strategies and Practices артикул 12971d.
Enterprise-Wide Software Solutions: Integration Strategies and Practices артикул 12971d.

In an effort to become more flexible and competitive, companies are migrating from legacy systems to integrated business management package software products These products represent the future for companies that need to streamline their business processes and improve the sharing of information in order to compete in the rapidly evolving ознзк business world Yet adopting a package software solution is not a process to be taken lightly, and this critical change can represent a tremendous investment of time and resources Most corporate officers charged with purchasing package software products are not experienced buyers, and there is very little information available to guide you through this process Enterprise-Wide Software Solutions is the thorough tutorial and lasting reference you need to help you implement, use, and manage these powerful tools This book provides a basis for planning and managing expectations among all relevant groups-corporate management, information technology staff, users, outside consultants, and the software vendor Companies are investing significant amounts of money and time to implement business package solutions This book helps you reduce these costs and hours to more reasonable levels Crucial topics-budgeting, project team organization, cost-justification, customization, outsourcing, reengineering, testing, training, and more-are covered in detail, allowing you to concentrate on the selection process, implementation strategy, and package software product that is bestfor your company.  ISBN 0201309718.

Респираторная поддержка при анестезии, реанимации и интенсивной терапии артикул 12973d.
Респираторная поддержка при анестезии, реанимации и интенсивной терапии артикул 12973d.

Пособие соответствует требованиям программы тематического усовершенствования медсестер отделений анестезиологии, реанимации и интенсивной терапии по циклу "Респираторная поддержка ознзс при анестезии, реанимации и интенсивной терапии" по специальности "Анестезиология и реаниматология" В пособии с современных позиций отражены наиболее актуальные вопросы респираторной поддержки при анестезии, реанимации и интенсивной терапии Издание предназначено для медицинских сестер, проходящих тематическое усовершенствование по анестезиологии и реаниматологии, а также может быть использовано при подготовке анестезиологов-реаниматологов в интернатуре и клинической ординатуре Пособие может представлять интерес для врачей-специалистов других профилей Автор Анатолий Левшанков.  Издательство: СпецЛит, 2005 г Мягкая обложка, 304 стр ISBN 5-299-00287-4 Тираж: 3000 экз Формат: 84x108/32 (~130х205 мм).

Knowledge Management and Networked Environments артикул 12975d.
Knowledge Management and Networked Environments артикул 12975d.

Foreword by Thomas H Davenport, Director, Accenture Institute for Strategic Change, and author, The Attention Economy Business operates in a universe of knowledge, with information traversing seemingly infinite pathways between management, employees, customers, suppliers, shareholders, authorities, and more How can companies ensure ознив that the information being shared is relevant, timely, and above all, accurate? The answer to this question comes from the world-recognized experts that havecontributed to Knowledge Management and Networked Environments Featuring luminaries like Accenture's Tom Davenport, as well as leading academics, this book sheds new light on the strategic needs and technological advances that are shaping the way we create, disseminate, and use knowledge -- then explains how businesses can stay ahead of the curve by maximizing the power of information An unparallelled team of experts lends unique and deep insight into one of the most important issues in the eEconomy.  ISBN 0814407420.

Unlocking Knowledge Assets артикул 12977d.
Unlocking Knowledge Assets артикул 12977d.

In an information-based economy, organizations need to create an environment and a culture that support the reuse of knowledge across the company This book illustrates what knowledge management is and how it can benefit an organization, as well as how to reduce knowledge isolation and stop the constant seeping of valuable knowledge from an organization озние After presenting an overview of the subject, the book drills down into the processes, best practices, and technologies for unlocking an organization'sknowledge assets.  ISBN 0735614636.

Если ребенок плохо говорит артикул 12979d.
Если ребенок плохо говорит артикул 12979d.

Представления о том, что практически все неврологические проблемы у детей являются следствием родовой травмы, появились уже более тридцати лег назад Плохая память, рассеянное озниз внимание, лень, апатия (или, наоборот, сверхвозбудимость), неспособность научиться чтению и грамотному письму, счету, решению логических задач - все эти проблемы ранее никак не связывались с травмированием во время родов Об опыте лечения подобных заболеваний в детской неврологии рассказывает эта книга Автор Наталья Петрова.  Серия: Как вырастить здорового ребенка.

Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003 Fast & Easy (Fast & Easy) артикул 12981d.
Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003 Fast & Easy (Fast & Easy) артикул 12981d.

Book Description Relax Learning how to use Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003 is now a breeze With this book?s easy-to-use instructions, you?ll master the unique FrontPage interface in no time From building your first basic Web page to working with dynamic content, "Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003 Fast & Easy" gives you the step-by-step озний instructions you need to complete your task quickly Simply look and learn!.  2003 г 384 стр ISBN 1592000827.

Windows NT 4 0 Workstation: Quick Reference Guide артикул 12983d.
Windows NT 4 0 Workstation: Quick Reference Guide артикул 12983d.

This 4 page, laminated, full-color guide is a fantastic resource for anyone who uses Windows NT 4 0 Workstation! In a concise user-friendly format, it provides step-by-step instructions, short cuts and tips on how to execute the basic commands of the software The guide includes instructions on: Customizing Desktop Properties, Searching for озниц Files, Start Menu, Recycle Bin, Customizing the Taskbar, Control Panel, Windows Explorer, My Computer, Scheduled Tasks, Disk Defragmenter, Briefcase, Ctrl + Alt + Del, Printers Folder, Notepad, Calculator, Sharing a Printer, Connecting to a Printer, Networking and Advanced Timesavers.  ISBN 1553530241.

Windows Nt Tcp/Ip Network Administration артикул 12985d.
Windows Nt Tcp/Ip Network Administration артикул 12985d.

Windows NT TCP/IP Network Administration is a complete guide to setting up and running a TCP/IP network on Windows NT Windows NT and TCP/IP have long had a close association, and this is the first book to focus exclusively on NT networking withTCP/IP It starts with the fundamentals--what the protocols do and how they work, how addresses and routing озния move data through the network, and how to set up your network connection Beyond that, all the important networking services provided as part of Windows NT-- including IIS, RRAS, DNS, WINS, and DHCP--are presented in detail This book is the NT administrator's indispensable guide.  ISBN 1565923774.

Windows XP Just the Steps For Dummies® (For Dummies (Computers)) артикул 12987d.
Windows XP Just the Steps For Dummies® (For Dummies (Computers)) артикул 12987d.

The perfect combination of concise instructions and results-oriented visual elements provides readers with a fast and easy understanding of Windows XP essentials Simple, easy-to-follow instructions walk readers through basic Windows XP tasks Covers such topics as navigating the desktop, creating files, copying and deleting files and folders, ознйд connecting to the Internet, searching the Web, using e-mail, and much more Minimal front matter, a bargain price, and the clear two-column design come together to make a unique, indispensable resource Covers the latest Service Pack 2 release from Microsoft.  ISBN 0764574809.

Microsoft Windows Server 2003: Manuales Users, en Espanol / Spanish (Manuales Users) артикул 12989d.
Microsoft Windows Server 2003: Manuales Users, en Espanol / Spanish (Manuales Users) артикул 12989d.

Book DescriptionWindows Server 2003 es el sistema operativo para servidores de red más moderno, robusto y escalable de la familia Microsoft Con explicaciones amigables y entendibles, esta obra de Gustavo Gabriel Poratti, autor también del exitoso best seller Redes, está dirigida a aquellos profesionales, estudiantes universitarios ознйи y de institutos técnicos, personal de empresas perteneciente al área de sistemas, e, inclusive, a todos los aficionados a la computación que deseen incursionar en el terreno de las redes de computadoras usando este sistema operativo Este libro les permitirá instalar Windows Server 2003 y, además, aprender a instalar, configurar, administrar y mantener los servicios más usados que éste ofrece, entre ellos, el directorio activo, las directivas de grupo, el servidor DHCP, el servidor de Internet IIS 6 0 (servicio Web y FTP) y el servidor de nombres DNS.  2004 г 376 стр ISBN 9875262390.

The Information E-Conomy: Business Strategies for Competing in the Global Age артикул 12991d.
The Information E-Conomy: Business Strategies for Competing in the Global Age артикул 12991d.

The development of the information economy (i e , the rapid changes facilitated by IT, telecommunications, and the Internet) is as much about corporate strategy as it is about adoption of these new technologies The importance of technology and information gathering cannot be ignored by companies in the increasingly competitive commercial environment, ознйс if they are to sustain their competitive position The Information Economy contains numerous case studies of international companies, which highlightthe way in which organizations are meeting these new challenges by aligning their business strategy with developments in information and communications technology.  ISBN 074943774X.

Corporate Memory: Strategies For Knowledge Management артикул 12993d.
Corporate Memory: Strategies For Knowledge Management артикул 12993d.

Knowledge is a corporate asset which needs to be identified, guarded and shared Corporate Memory: Strategies for Knowledge Management shows the innovative manager how to explore its company's intangible asset, identify knowledge within his organization culture and look towards knowledge sharing This book will help you: identify whether ознйу your company is a 'knowledge-based company'; understand the context for knowledge management within your organization; determine the culture of your organization and determine to what extent it will support knowledge sharing; understand the ways your company generates knowledge, thus determining whether you are using it to its potential or losing it; survey, elicit and capture knowledge; design and mount a campaign to identify critical knowledge functions; design a collaborative knowledge generating venture; put together an action plan to build the right infrastructure to support knowledge sharing in your organization Intellectual Capital Series: Intellectual Capital: Core Assets for the Third Millennium Enterprise; Dream Ticket: Corporate Strategy with Intellectual Capital; Corporate Memory: Strategies for Knowledge Management; Invisible Strength: Building Corporate Infrastructure That Work Автор Annie Brooking.  Издательство: International Thomson Business Press, 1998 г Мягкая обложка, 182 стр ISBN 1861522681.

MCSE Training Guide (70-244): Supporting and Maintaining a Windows NT Server 4 Network артикул 12995d.
MCSE Training Guide (70-244): Supporting and Maintaining a Windows NT Server 4 Network артикул 12995d.

Besides enabling the exam candidate to pass Exam 70-244, this book will teach network administrators to configure, maintain and troubleshoot Microsoft networks that still have Windows NT Server as the controlling operating system Although officially replaced by Windows 2000, it is clear that it will be some years before Windows NT disappears ознйц from the network mainstream There are currently tens of thousands of licensed seats of Windows NT 4 0 Server, and a full migration to Windows 2000 will not happenovernight The CD features our ExamGear, Training Guide Edition product, including: Test simulation Nearly 200 practice questions Electronic study cards Electronic flash cards Electronic copy of book And more!.  ISBN 0735711577.

Foundations of Service Level Management артикул 12997d.
Foundations of Service Level Management артикул 12997d.

Foundations of Service Level Management provides detailed recommendations for creating a service level management strategy and establishing service level agreements This book also shows IT managers and executives at third-party SLM companies how to deploy services more quickly, placing a premium on time to market and time to scale, become ознйщ more service oriented, delivering guaranteed services through service-level agreements (SLAs), evolve from reactive network management to proactive service management, and reduce costs whenever possible by automating network and service management Авторы Рик Старм Rick Sturm Уэйн Моррис Wayne Morris.  2000 г Мягкая обложка, 288 стр ISBN 0-67231-743-5.

77 Sure-Fire Ways to Kill a Software Project: Destructive Tactics That Cause Budget Overruns, Late Deliveries, and Massive Personnel Turnover артикул 12999d.
77 Sure-Fire Ways to Kill a Software Project: Destructive Tactics That Cause Budget Overruns, Late Deliveries, and Massive Personnel Turnover артикул 12999d.

Are you on a doomed project? Do you really believe that spiffy SEI rating or the latest software engineering fad will save you from working long nights, missing deadlines, or having a nervous breakdown? We’ve got news for you: your project didn’t get that way by accident It took a lot of careful planning Want to learn how it’s done? In this book ознка we’ll teach you the basics of killing a project Instead of forcing you to rummage through a bunch of dry software engineering texts to identify potentially damaging approaches, we’ll equip you with 77 tactics proven on countless projects.  ISBN 0595126103.

Windows ® and Linux ® Integration : Hands-on Solutions for a Mixed Environment артикул 13001d.
Windows ® and Linux ® Integration : Hands-on Solutions for a Mixed Environment артикул 13001d.

Book DescriptionEmploying Windows and Linux within the same network is an attractive prospect for several reasons While Windows offers a stable platform and solid support from Microsoft, it comes at a steep price in set-up costs, support contracts, and licensing fees Conversely, Linux is free, but it can be tricky to set up and configure and lacks ознкж the sound support of, and user familiarity with, Microsoft products System administrators who can configure Linux and Windows to work together will reap benefits not available in a single-platform network Some organizations have migrated from Windows to Linux to control costs; but integrating the two platforms is an alternative that allows an administrator to leverage the best of both worlds.  2005 г 540 стр ISBN 0782144284.

Windows NT 4 0 MCSE Study Guide артикул 13003d.
Windows NT 4 0 MCSE Study Guide артикул 13003d.

Microsoft Certified Systems Engineers are just as hot in the information technology world as Microsoft's Windows NT operating system In the US alone today, there are 200,000 open IT jobs, and researchers expect demand to grow to over 500,000 within the next three years Needless to say, becoming an MCSE in Windows NT is a heck of a great career move ознкл Now Windows NT 4 0 MCSE Study Guide puts you on the fast track toward certification by covering everything you need to know to pass these three required MCSE exams: Exam Number Exam Title 70-73 Implementing and Supporting Microsoft Windows NT Workstation 4 0 70-67 Implementing and Supporting Microsoft Windows NT Server 4 0 70-68 Implementing and Supporting Microsoft Windows NT Server 4 0 in the Enterprise Even if you're not planning to take the MCSE exams, in Windows NT 4 0 MCSE Study Guide you'll find critical information to use on the job, including Deploying, installing, and configuring Windows NT -- both Workstation and Server Managing resources -- from administering user and group accounts to optimizing Windows NT Server Directory Services Setting up effective network connectivity using TCP/IP and other protocols, as well as maintaining heterogeneous Windows NT and Novell NetWare networks, instituting remote access capabilities, and accommodating Mac OS platforms Optimizing applications to run under Windows NT Monitoring, evaluating, and optimizing Windows NT networks using tools such as Performance Monitor and Network Monitor Troubleshooting workstation and network problems when they arise Plus, Windows NT 4 0 MCSE Study Guide includes an in-depth collection of study and test-preparation resources, as well as a bonus CD-ROM containing a searchable electronic version of the book in Adobe Acrobat portable document format, excerpts from MCSE Career Microsoft!, and other software and reference material essential for success as a Microsoft Windows NT certified professional Covers: Exams 070-058, 070-073, 070-067 and 070-068.  ISBN 0764530879.

Compendium of Roman History / Res Gestae Divi Augusti артикул 13005d.
Compendium of Roman History / Res Gestae Divi Augusti артикул 13005d.

Velleius Paterculus, who lived in the reigns of Augustus and Tiberius (30 BCE–37 CE), served as a military tribune in Thrace, Macedonia, Greece and Asia Minor, and later, from 4 CE to 12 or 13, as a cavalry officer and legatus in Germany and Pannonia He was quaestor in 7 CE, praetor in 15 He wrote in two books 'Roman Histories', a summary of Roman history ознку from the fall of Troy to 29 CE As he approached his own times he becomes much fuller in his treatment, especially between the death of Caesar in 44 BCE and that of Augustus in 14 CE His work has useful concise essays on Roman colonies and provinces and some effective compressed portrayals of characters Res Gestae Divi Augusti In his 76th year (13 CE–14) the emperor Augustus wrote a dignified account of his public life and work of which the best preserved copy (with a Greek translation) was engraved by the Galatians on the walls of the temple of Augustus at Ancyra (Ankara) It is a unique document giving short details of his public offices and honours; his benefactions to the empire, to the people, and to the soldiers; and his services as a soldier and as an administrator Автор Веллей Патеркул Velleius Paterculus Веллей Патеркул (Velleius Paterculus) (около 19 до н э — около 31 н э ), римский историк В правление императора Тиберия около 30 н э написал «Римскую историю» (в 2 книгах), в которой излагались события от Троянской войны до 30 н э , причём.  Издательство: Loeb Classical Library, 1924 г Суперобложка, 464 стр ISBN 0674991680 Язык: Английский.

Mission Critical: Realizing the Promise of Enterprise Systems артикул 13007d.
Mission Critical: Realizing the Promise of Enterprise Systems артикул 13007d.

A No-Nonsense Guide to the Benefits and Pitfalls of Enterprise-Wide Information Systems How many organizations would doubt the promise of an integrated enterprise system (ES)? Not many, judging by a $15 billion industry The combination of an ES as a platform for organizational information and Internet technology for gaining access to it adds ознкч up to the ideal solution for company-wide data sharing in real time Not surprisingly, small and large companies worldwide are either considering an ES, in the process of implementing one, or living with the results Yet, says Tom Davenport, unless managers view ES adoption and implementation as a business decision rather than a technology decision, they may be risking disappointment Mission Critical presents an authoritative and no-nonsense view of the ES opportunities and challenges Suggesting ESs are not the right choice for every company, the author provides a set of guidelines to help managers evaluate the benefits and risks for their organizations To be successful, argues Davenport, an organization must make simultaneous changes in its information systems, its business processes, and its business strategy Such changes are described in detail with extensive examples from real organizations Bolstering his contention that ESs should be viewed as business vs technology projects, Davenport spells out the specific business change objectives that should be formulated in advance of ES adoption and monitored throughout its implementation The first strategic guide to the ES decision, Mission Critical will be indispensable to general managers and information technology specialists at all stages of the implementation process.  ISBN 0875849067.

Оптимизация профилактических, оздоровительных и геропротекторных мероприятий с использованием компьютерной системы `Диагностика и профилактика старения` артикул 13009d.
Оптимизация профилактических, оздоровительных и геропротекторных мероприятий с использованием компьютерной системы `Диагностика и профилактика старения` артикул 13009d.

Пособие посвящено вопросам построения алгоритмов выбора средств для сдерживания старения и обращения регрессирующих с возрастом функций на основе диагностики биологического ознкы возраста человека Для расчетов по количественной оценке биологического возраста (БВ) и выбора алгоритмов геропрофилактики используется компьютерная программа Обсуждается сущность феномена старения и БВ, систематизируются получившие распространение в мире показатели БВ, предлагается оригинальная методика диагностики БВ, позволяющая оценивать БВ и профиль старения отдельных систем организма Процесс старения характеризуется типом, гармоничностью старения и выраженностью симптомокомплексов нарушений различных сторон жизнедеятельности организма с возрастом Рекомендовано Учебно-методическим объединением медицинских и фармацевтических вузов в качестве учебного пособия для врачей для системы послевузовского профессионального образования Пособие может быть использовано также в системе до- и последипломного образования врачей лечебно-профилактических учреждений, специалистов по профилактической медицине, работников медико-профилактических и оздоровительных центров, учреждений санэпидслужбы Авторы (показать всех авторов) Александр Подколзин Виталий Донцов Вячеслав Крутько.  Издательства: НГЦ, МГМСУ, 2003 г Мягкая обложка, 28 стр Тираж: 230 экз.

Novell's Guide to Integrating NetWare® 5 and NT артикул 13011d.
Novell's Guide to Integrating NetWare® 5 and NT артикул 13011d.

Maximize your mixed environment Combine the speed, performance, and scalability of NetWare 5 with Windows NT Server's BackOffice With complete coverage of Novell and Microsoft networking technologies and integration utilities, this practical guide brings you the tools and techniques you need to integrate your systems seamlessly into one ознкэ environment Three network experts provide concrete, professional advice for understanding, deploying, and managing a mixed network that includes NetWare5 servers and Windows NT servers and workstations.  ISBN 0764545809.

Power Programming with VBA/Excel артикул 12958d.
Power Programming with VBA/Excel артикул 12958d.

Part of EsourcePrentice Hall's Engineering Source, this book provides a flexible introduction to the use of VBA/Excel in engineering Featuring over 25 modules and growing, the ESource series provides a comprehensive resource of essential engineering topics Covers topics such as an introduction to programming, recording macros, customized ознже worksheet functions, modular and object-oriented programming, strings and dialog boxes, and data structures For any Engineer or Computer Scientist interested in a brief introduction to VBA/Excel.  ISBN 0130473774.

Writing Excel Macros with VBA, 2nd Edition артикул 12960d.
Writing Excel Macros with VBA, 2nd Edition артикул 12960d.

Newly updated for Excel 2002, Writing Excel Macros with VBA, 2nd Edition provides Excel power-users, as well as programmers who are unfamiliar with the Excel object model, with a solid introduction to writing Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) macros and programs for Excel Writing Excel Macros with VBA, 2nd Edition is written in a terse, no-nonsense ознжл manner that is characteristic of Steven Roman's straightforward, practical approach Instead of a slow-paced tutorial with a lot of handholding, Roman offers the essential information about Excel VBA that you must master to write macros effectively This tutorial is reinforced by interesting and useful examples that solve common problems you're sure to have encountered Writing Excel Macros with VBA, 2nd Edition is the book you need to delve into the basics of Excel VBA programming, enabling you to increase your power and productivity.  ISBN 0596003595.

Excel 2003 VBA Programmer's Reference (Programmer to Programmer) артикул 12962d.
Excel 2003 VBA Programmer's Reference (Programmer to Programmer) артикул 12962d.

What is this book about? Excel 2003 VBA Programmer's Reference is an updated and expanded version of the two previous editions now with a reference section downloadable from the Web for easy perusal The book is aimed at Excel userswho want to gain more control over their spreadsheets using VBA or who want to develop Excel applications for other users ознжт The book starts with a primer chapter focused on bringing the readers up to speed with Excel and VBA From there, the book expands to focus on major issues faced by advanced Excel users and developers What does this book cover? In this book, you'll discover how to do the following: Set up applications and convert them to add-ins Package and distribute Excel applications Set up interaction with other Office applications and databases Program the VB Editor and use the Windows API Use VB6 and VB NET with Excel Set up internationalization Advanced debugging and error handling techniques.  ISBN 0764556606.

Intelligent Support Systems Technology артикул 12964d.
Intelligent Support Systems Technology артикул 12964d.

The area of intelligent support systems has experienced increasing interest in developing intelligent systems that would enable users to accomplish complex tasks in a web-centric environment utilizing intelligent agents, distributed computing in heterogeneous environments, and computer-supported collaborative work With the sharing ознжщ of experiences and lessons learned in deploying intelligent support systems, this guide presents an interdisciplinary approach to the computer arena Among some of the topics addressed are intelligent information systems, adaptive systems, scientific discovery systems, knowledge-based systems, and genetic and evolutionary algorithms.  ISBN 1931777004.

Interactive Multimedia Systems артикул 12966d.
Interactive Multimedia Systems артикул 12966d.

The use of multiple media is increasingly prevalent in application areas such as entertainment, communication, collaborative work, electronic commerce, and university courses Increased availability and easy access to electronic multimedia information brings new challenges to all areas involving data management, especially in terms ознжэ of retrieval, synchronization, and transportation of a large volume of media-generated data This book addresses these innovative technologies and how they can positively influence a variety of areas Some topics of interest include software reuse in hypermedia applications, remote control for videorecording, and supporting and enhancing user navigation of digital video.  ISBN 1931777071.

Ancient Near East: Historical Sources in Translation артикул 12968d.
Ancient Near East: Historical Sources in Translation артикул 12968d.

This book provides the reader with the primary sources for the history of the ancient Near East Covering the period from the earliest historical and literary texts (c 2700 B C ) to the Hellenistic historians who wrote on ancient Near Eastern history (c 250 B C ), it presents new translations of Mesopotamian and ancient Near Eastern historiographic ознжя texts, and other related materials An opening chapter sets out the themes of the book and discusses the difficulties of translating cuneiform texts into English, as well as the difficulty of reconstructing ancient Near Eastern history from textual sources Texts featured in the main body of the book range from the code of Hammurabi to the Assyrian royal inscriptions For each text, a detailed commentary is provided, placing it in its historical and cultural context Maps, illustrations, and a chronological table help to orient the reader Автор Марк Чавалес Mark W Chavalas.  Издательство: Blackwell Publishing Limited, 2006 г Твердый переплет, 544 стр ISBN 0631235809.

Official Microsoft Intranet Solutions: Using Microsoft Office 97 and Frontpage 97 артикул 12970d.
Official Microsoft Intranet Solutions: Using Microsoft Office 97 and Frontpage 97 артикул 12970d.

MICROSOFT INTRANET SOLUTIONS is the one-stop source for comprehensive information about setting up a corporate intranet while preserving existing investments in hardware and software The book first shows readers how to create web documents with Microsoft FrontPage(tm) and how to populate their new web sites with data produced by Microsoft ознзд Excel, Word, Microsoft Access, PowerPoint(r), and Outlook(tm) There's also abundant information about the server side of things, covering integration issues with Microsoft Information Server, Microsoft Exchange, SQL Server(tm), SNA Server, and Microsoft Internet Explorer The book concludes with web page management, intranet development methodology, how to manage migration and coexistence, troubleshooting techniques, and where to go for additional information The companion CD includes all the source code and files necessary to create the sample applications in the book, as well as examples of finished applications The intranet arena will be one of the hottest in 1997, and books like this that show how to set up and use intranets can be expected to sell briskly.  ISBN B00007FYCB.

Sams Teach Yourself Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003 in 24 Hours, First Edition артикул 12972d.
Sams Teach Yourself Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003 in 24 Hours, First Edition артикул 12972d.

For readers who are new to FrontPage and want to get up and running quickly, Sams Teach Yourself Microsoft FrontPage 2003 in 24 Hours will do the trick This book includes shortcuts and ways to accomplish the most common tasks in FrontPage Readers are able to work at their own pace through the easily digestible, one-hour lessons After completing the ознзр lessons, the reader will have a solid foundation of the basics and know the most efficient way to utilize the new version of FrontPage.  ISBN 0672325527.

Software Rules: How the Next Generation of Enterprise Applications Will Increase Strategic Effectiveness артикул 12974d.
Software Rules: How the Next Generation of Enterprise Applications Will Increase Strategic Effectiveness артикул 12974d.

A top industry executive explains total software integration and how it holds the key to market leadership To achieve fast, agile, and diverse responsiveness to today's ever shifting business needs, executives need to successfully implement strategic decisions based more on reality rather than rhetoric In Software Rules, Oracle senior executive ознзу Mark Barrenechea describes for business readers how, over the next few years, the total integration of software functions into "E-business suites," will radically transform the business landscape An E-business suite is a set of applications, founded on a centralized database and integrated by desing, that optimizes the supply and demand chains together, enabling employees anywhere on the globe to access accurate and reliable business data that always reflects real information Using case studies from BellSouth, Xerox, EMC, HP, Oracle, and other leading companies, he describes how E-business suites work to help companies in all industry sectors to centralize change, dramatically improve customer service, slash production costs, streamline product introduction and upgrades, gather definitive business intelligence, transform marketing into electronic selling, and much more.  ISBN 0071385169.

Инфекционные заболевания Профилактика и лечение артикул 12976d.
Инфекционные заболевания Профилактика и лечение артикул 12976d.

Составитель: Ц Басанова Книга предназначена в помощь администрации ЛПУ Сборник содержит инструктивные материалы по диагностике, лечению и профилактике инфекционных заболеваний, ознид действующие по состоянию на 1 полугодие 2000 г.  Серия: Настольная книга руководителя ЛПУ.

Knowledge Management Tools артикул 12978d.
Knowledge Management Tools артикул 12978d.

The third in the readers series Resources for the Knowledge-Based Economy, Knowledge Management Tools analyzes the use of knowledge management tools in the past, present and future It helps managers and companies utilize what they know The selections in this volume were carefully chosen to represent the strengths and weaknesses, and pros and озниж cons of using technology to support knowledge-based activities They acknowledge that, although tools alone are not the answer to the difficult questionssurrounding knowledge management, if utilized effectively tools can open up new realms of innovation and efficiency for today's knowledge-driven businesses What are the tools of the Knowledge Era? How can technology help knowledge generation, codification, and transfer? What are key considerations as such tools are implemented?.  ISBN 0750698497.

The +Plus Series : Microsoft (tm) FrontPage 2003 (+Plus Series) артикул 12980d.
The +Plus Series : Microsoft (tm) FrontPage 2003 (+Plus Series) артикул 12980d.

Book DescriptionThousands of learners have asked for high quality materials that focus on technologies that go beyond core applications of Microsoft Office McGraw-Hill Technology Education has answered these requests with 4 new titles making up the +Plus Series This books were designed to stand alone as primary texts or to supplement instruction ознии in core courses The +Plus Series books are brief, easy to use, and less expensive than primary textbooks.  2004 г 174 стр ISBN 0072256990.

Knowledge and Communities (Resources for the Knowledge-Based Economy,) артикул 12982d.
Knowledge and Communities (Resources for the Knowledge-Based Economy,) артикул 12982d.

Knowledge and Communities is the first book dedicated to a major new knowledge management topic "Communities of Practice" are cross-organizational groups of people sharing knowledge, solving common problems, and exchanging insights and frustrations Knowledge and Communities, a collection of authoritative articles, describes ознис the dynamics of these groups and explains how they enable organizational knowledge to be creating, shared, and applied The book teaches how organizations can empower both traditional and on-line communities and make them a cornerstone of a general knowledge management strategy Readers will learn how communities can help unify an organization and its external stakeholders, such as customers and suppliers, and how they can critically support an e-commerce strategy Knowledge and Communities will help readers understand a primary vehicle for building an organization's social capital and competitive advantage Hot-topic - addresses how virtual/on-line communities drivean organization's e-commerce and knowledge strategies Establishes best practices for building and maintaining traditional and virtual communities.  ISBN 0750672935.

Security Transformation: Digital Defense Strategies to Protect your Company's Reputation and Market Share артикул 12984d.
Security Transformation: Digital Defense Strategies to Protect your Company's Reputation and Market Share артикул 12984d.

A revolutionary approach to digital security as a tool for protecting information assets and building customer loyalty, operational efficiency, and market share Much has been written lately about the many competitive advantages of using Web technologies to create "transparent" organizations, open to customers, suppliers, and ознию alliance partners Yet, until now, there have been no comprehensive accounts of the grave security risks those very same advantages can pose Written by a coauthor of the bestselling Digital Transformation, Security Transformation brings executives and managers up to speed on E-business security issues and offers tried-and-true methods for protecting precious information assets More important, with thehelp of fascinating case studies, the authors describe a proven approach to the strategic use of digital security as a powerful front-office tool for building a company's reputation as well as customer loyalty.  ISBN 0071379665.

The Technology Payoff: How to Profit With Empowered Workers in the Information Age артикул 12986d.
The Technology Payoff: How to Profit With Empowered Workers in the Information Age артикул 12986d.

What every executive and manager should know about information technology Increased competition has compelled organizations to flatten hierarchies, redesign business processes, empower workers, and rely upon other forms of change to improve performance Information technology, used strategically, can facilitate these inevitable changes ознйб by enabling improvements in flexibility, efficiency, and most important, profitability The Technology Payoff explores the expanded needs and opportunities for information systems, showing how and why organizations should integrate technology into their business strategies Gerald Hoffman goes beyond traditional, large scale information systems to introduce innovative approaches used within business environments of all sizes and disciplines Free of technical jargon and complex explanations, this guide offers a well�rounded, uncluttered view of information technology, addressing its managerial, organizational, and technological impacts End�of�chapter sections labeled "What You Must Know" and "What You Must Do" reinforce key issues and provide a mandate for improvement through information technology Change is now a defining characteristic of business and a prerequisite for success in any industry With The Technology Payoff, you'll understand the kinds of information systems you need to manage change and remain competitive in today's fast paced, dynamic business environment, and learn how to get them.  ISBN 0595199097.

Толкование Священного Корана В 2 томах Том 1 артикул 12988d.
Толкование Священного Корана В 2 томах Том 1 артикул 12988d.

Переводчик: Эльмир Кулиев Книга шейха Абд ар-Рахмана ибн Насира Саади, да помилует его Аллах, "Облегчение от Великодушного и Милосердного" является одним из глубоко научных, ознйж широко распространенных и признанных исламской уммой толкований Священного Корана Этот труд написан простым языком и потому доступен для самого широкого круга читателей Толкуя аяты, автор опирался, в первую очередь, на сам Священный Коран, а затем на достоверные хадисы Пророка Мухаммада, да благословит его Аллах и приветствует, наконец, на высказывания его сподвижников, да будет доволен ими Всевышний Аллах Автор Абд ар-Рахман ибн Насир Саади.  Издательство: УММА, 2006 г Твердый переплет, 1040 стр ISBN 5-94824-059-2, 5-94824-060-6 Тираж: 6000 экз Формат: 84x108/16 (~205х290 мм).

Windows XP Hacks & Mods For Dummies (For Dummies (Computer/Tech)) артикул 12990d.
Windows XP Hacks & Mods For Dummies (For Dummies (Computer/Tech)) артикул 12990d.

Book DescriptionWindows guru Woody Leonhard gives people the power to fight back against unwanted shortcuts, system slowdowns, spyware infestations, and other perennial PC problems and annoyances in this much-needed book Step-by-step instructions help even novice users go "under the hood" to modify their systems, whether they ознйй want to overhaul XP's look and feel, boost speed, beef up security, perform maintenance and updates, or enhance multimedia performance The book covers simple and complex changes including tweaking the taskbar, adding desktop search, making a PC game-friendly, turbocharging browser performance, eradicating viruses and spyware, updating drivers, and augmenting music and video capabilities Includes special directions on dealing with software, shortcuts, and other unwanted "features" installed on new PCs that slow down computing time.  2005 г 362 стр ISBN 0471748978.

Гражданское общество и будущее Российского государства В поисках эффективного алгоритма развития артикул 12992d.
Гражданское общество и будущее Российского государства В поисках эффективного алгоритма развития артикул 12992d.

Предлагаемое издание можно рассматривать не как документ, доктрину или план, а лишь как вполне субъективные суждения концептуального плана, как приглашение к дискуссии Автор ознйт при этом полагает, что сегодня очень важно, думая о судьбе и будущем России, не оставить незамеченными ни одной из основополагающих тенденций в развитии человеческого общества эпохи глобализации, акцентировать на них внимание, ибо именно здесь для каждой страны спрятан историей свой ключ к преуспеванию и процветанию Авторы Сергей Абакумов Алексей Подберезкин.  Издательство: Имидж-Пресс, 2004 г Твердый переплет, 436 стр ISBN 5-94209-002-5 Тираж: 2000 экз Формат: 60x90/8 (~220х290 мм).

The Hundredth Window: Protecting Your Privacy and Security in the Age of the Internet артикул 12994d.
The Hundredth Window: Protecting Your Privacy and Security in the Age of the Internet артикул 12994d.

Privacy, whether we like it or not, has gone public We are only just beginning to recognize how the Internet has redefined the relationship between our private lives and the public sphere Every time we personalize a Web site, join a mailing list, or purchase a book or CD online, we open our lives to an ever-widening data network that offers us scant protection ознйх from the prying eyes of corporations, governments, insurance companies, or criminals Has the e-commerce revolution permanently eroded all personal boundaries, or is it still possible to protect one's personal information in an increasingly wired world? Charles Jennings and Lori Fena have devoted their careers to this question, most notably as the founders of TRUSTe, the leading privacy assurance and monitoring organization on the Internet They have been instrumental in developing standards for judging how Web sites use and protect the personal information they collect, and they have advised numerous corporations who recognize that trustis the key to economic growth and expansion in the e-commerce world Security experts often say that if you put bars across ninety-nine of your windows but leave the hundredth window open, the invaders can still get in For computer privacy, then, the question becomes, How can you best monitor that hundredth window? Jennings and Fena answer that question by providing a comprehensive guide to privacy and security in today's fast-moving online world, identifying winning and losing strategies for users and businesses alike They argue that with so much information about us accessible through the Internet, we now need to think of privacy less as an inalienable right and more as a personal skill to be practiced and sharpened regularly And for companies doing business on the Web, they demonstrate the critical importance of ensuring a private and secure environment for one's customers The Hundredth Window is also an invaluable source of useful information for every citizen of the World Wide Web Jennings and Fena offer their readers: An unsparingly honest assessment of how many popular Web sites handle privacy protection Guidelines for evaluating a site's trustworthiness Tips and tricks for protecting your privateinformation while surfing online Strategies to avoid being followed on the Internet An advance look at likely new technologies that could put your privacy at risk Far from predicting the death of privacy, Jennings and Fena provide the tools and the perspective that will enable us all to preserve our privacy as we enter the twenty-first century, enabling us to enjoy the many benefits that the Internet can offer.  ISBN 0743254988.

Managing Windows Server 2003 артикул 12996d.
Managing Windows Server 2003 артикул 12996d.

With Windows Server 2003, Microsoft has the right server for a world now dominated by enterprise networks and web-based server applications A number of significant improvements make this a more reliable server than Windows 2000, and Server 2003 is a very competitive solution to Unix in terms of cost, performance, and application development ознйч productivity But getting this server up and running, either as a stand-alone or as part of a multi-site, multi-server network, is a formidable task Our no-fluff guide gives you exactly what you need for installing, configuring, securing, and managing Server 2003, and offers hands-on advice for planning, implementing and growing Windows networks without trying to teach you how to be a system administrator Learning Windows Server 2003 shows you how to create and manage user accounts (with particular attention to Active Directory), manage access to system resources such as printers and files, and configure and manage the server's plethora of major subsystems.  ISBN 0596006241.

Весна Православия артикул 12998d.
Весна Православия артикул 12998d.

В настоящее издание входят избранные письма преподобного Феодора Студита - мужественного исповедника чистоты Православия, блестящего защитника иконопочитания, мудрого ознйы пастыря, игумена известного монастыря в Константинополе Обширное эпистолярное наследие преподобного Феодора, часть которого представлена в этом издании, включает в себя письма самым различным адресатам - монархам, высшим государственным чиновникам и простым горожанам, предстоятелям Церквей и высшим церковным иерархам, а также архимандритам, игумениям, монахам и монахиням, его духовным детям Разнообразна и тематика писем: рассматриваются вопросы духовно-нравственные и богословские Письма Феодора Студита стали основой для определения Собора 843 года, на котором были восстановлены постановления Седьмого Вселенского Собора и низвергнуто иконоборчество Отдельного внимания заслуживает письмо святого к своей матери, написанное перед ее смертью, в котором открывается, как любовь сына к матери вырастает в высшую христианскую любовь, которой он напутствует ее в вечную жизнь В книге помимо богословских аспектов иконопочитания и исторических свидетельств этой эпохи, достаточно писем, посвященной духовной жизни, истинным ценностям, любви к Богу и ближнему Автор Преподобный Феодор Студит.  Серия: Письма о духовной жизни.

Active Directory Bible (With CD-ROM) артикул 13000d.
Active Directory Bible (With CD-ROM) артикул 13000d.

With the release of Windows 2000, Microsoft introduced an entirely new approach to networking involving directory services IT professionals are now responsible for designing a Windows 2000 Active Directory infrastructure, implementing it, maintaining it, and using Windows 2000 support technologies This comprehensive Bible gives you all ознкд the knowledge necessary to successfully plan, deploy, and maintain an Active Directory network.  ISBN 0764547623.

Business Driven Information Technology: Answers to 100 Critical Questions for Every Manager артикул 13002d.
Business Driven Information Technology: Answers to 100 Critical Questions for Every Manager артикул 13002d.

Effectively aligning and using information technology to achieve business objectives is difficult because it requires many elements to be implemented properly More than 60 business leaders and university faculty members have collaborated to bring together insights from a broad spectrum of disciplines covering the strategic, financial, ознкй organizational and technological issues that need to be considered for the successful design and implementation of business driven information technology solutions Thisinformation is conveyed in clearly written, concise answers to 100 questions that every manager needs to know in order to use information technology effectively Business professional will value the book because it covers a range of important areas thatfew know completely University students will find the book a valuable source of necessary information for technology and management course Rarely is so much diverse expertise brought together and focused in a single book.  ISBN 0804749434.

Knowledge Networking: Creating the Collaborative Enterprise артикул 13004d.
Knowledge Networking: Creating the Collaborative Enterprise артикул 13004d.

Knowledge Networking explains the strategic, organizational and human impact of technologies that support knowledge: the internet, groupware, collaborative technologies It shows how they can transform organizational practices and help to improve both individual and team performances Based on proven experience and includes customised ознкт toolkits, cases and action plans From pooling expertise on a sales bid via computer referencing, to improving customer service using the flexible office, the author demonstrates how potential can become practice Knowledge management is the big management idea currently influencing organizations, and Knowledge Networking explores the global impact of sharing knowledge and expertise It is a highly practical text which includes customised toolkits, cases and action plans to enable individuals and teams to improve their performance Shows how collaboration and teamworking can be enhanced through knowledge networking Concerned with people, processes and practicalities not theory and technology Includes access to the author's internet newsletter on knowledge management.  ISBN 0750639768.

Corporate Portals: Revolutionizing Information Access to Increase Productivity and Drive the Bottom Line артикул 13006d.
Corporate Portals: Revolutionizing Information Access to Increase Productivity and Drive the Bottom Line артикул 13006d.

A look inside enterprise portals, the new technology that gives employees one-stop access to ALL their companyOs information resources Customers of AOL don't realize it, but they're using a "portal" when they go online A portal provides a "home"--a place to get news, stock prices, or whatever else interests you A "corporate portal" is ознкц the same concept--but it's for the employees of a business It provides them with a single point of entry into all the information their company's systems contain Through one user-friendly interface, employees can send e-mail, schedule meetings, check inventory, fill out forms, request sales reports--and on and on! Enterprise portal technology is a breakthrough! CORPORATE PORTALS explains what the technology is, supplies an analysis of its tremendous benefits, and explains how to design and propose a corporate portal solution to decision-makers Benefits include: * Ability to customize the portal design to individuals' needs * Powerful search and navigation capabilities, with direct access to reports, analyses, and what-if scenarios across multiple systems and applications * Knowledge sharing--immediate ability to connect with subject experts and team members, or to post findings and research for anyone who needs it, and more.  ISBN 0814405932.

Bulletproofing TCP/IP Based Windows NT/2000 Networks артикул 13008d.
Bulletproofing TCP/IP Based Windows NT/2000 Networks артикул 13008d.

Find out about TCP/IP-based network attack methods and threats to Windows NT/2000 computers and the preventive measures you can use to protect your infrastructure Bulletproofing TCP/IP-based Windows NT/2000 Networks details the use of router access lists, firewalls, virus scanners and encryption It includes examples of the configuration ознкщ of hardware and software to prevent or minimize the effect of a wide range of communications-based attacks against TCP/IP networks and Windows NT/2000 hosts connected to such networks – Covers how TCP/IP operates and how TCP/IP attacks occur – Detailed coverage on how to secure both TCP/IP networks and the Windows NT/2000– host on such networks against different attack methods – Describes a new attack method, 'script-form attack', which could cause a company financial problems, and its prevention – Uses practical real-world examples of methods used to block potential attacks Aimed at TCP/IP network managers, LAN admiistrators, Windows NT/2000 administrators and network professionals It can also be used for high level undergraduate and graduate electrical engineering and computer science courses covering network security.  ISBN 0471495077.

The Everything Job Interview Book: Answer the Toughest Job Interview Questions With Confidence (Everything Series) артикул 13010d.
The Everything Job Interview Book: Answer the Toughest Job Interview Questions With Confidence (Everything Series) артикул 13010d.

No matter how good your resume looks, you know you can't get a job without passing the interview It's your best chance to showcase your skills, and to convince a potential employer that you are the best person for the job The Everything Job Interview Book teaches you all you need to know to interview successfully - from what to wear, when to arrive, and ознкь how to introduce yourself on the big day, to famous last words and what to write in a follow-up letter Packed with hundreds of real life interview questions - and the answers employers are looking for - this is the only book you'll need to ace the next big interview The book is perfect for any job hunter-from recent college grads looking for that first job to seasoned professionals who are switching careers Get the inside scoop on how to: Land an interview Avoid common mistakes many jobseekers make Research a potential employer and formulate industry-specific questions Make a first impression that will last Take computerized interviews and tests Field tough questions for recent graduates and career changers Survive the second interview and beyond And much more! Whether you suffer from pre-interview jitters and sweaty palms, have concerns about how toaddress tricky questions like salary and experience, or wonder about correct interviewing etiquette, The Everything Job Interview Book has the answers you need to get the job you want!.  ISBN 1580624936.

The Ohio Job Bank (Ohio Jobbank) артикул 13012d.
The Ohio Job Bank (Ohio Jobbank) артикул 13012d.

Book DescriptionThe JobBank Series has been the leading series of employment directories since 1980 The Ohio JobBank, 11th Edition contains hundreds of company profiles in all industries, with up-to-date information including: Company descriptions Mailing addresses Telephone and fax numbers Recorded jobline numbers E-mail and Web addresses ознлб Contact names Positions advertised Number of employees Also includes: Executive search firms and placement agencies Professional associations Web sites of job hunters Electronic job-search tips Sample resumes and cover letters Job search advice Online career resources Considering employment elsewhere? Try these books: The Atlanta JobBank The Austin/San Antonio JobBank The Boston JobBank The Carolina JobBank The Chicago JobBank The Colorado JobBank The Dallas-Fort Worth JobBank The Florida JobBank The Houston JobBank The Los Angeles JobBank The New Jersey JobBank The New York JobBankThe Ohio JobBank The Philadelphia JobBank The Phoenix JobBank The San Francisco JobBank The Seattle JobBank The Virginia JobBank The Washington, DC JobBank.  2004 г ISBN 1593372191.

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